Editorial Staff
01/03/23 15:44

Editorial Staff
01/03/23 15:44

WATCH: Family buries their loved one after “no show” by grave-diggers


A family had to resort to burying their loved one at a funeral on Monday after grave diggers failed to show up at the cemetery.

As we see in this video, family members and loved ones had to resort to using their bare hands and tree branches to shovel dirt into the man’s grave.

It is not clear why the gravediggers did not show up to the said funeral but sources close to the matter said they had transportation issues.


  1. Chubby

    This family should be compensated HEAVILY for thier stress, grief and eventual hard work.

  2. Anonymous

    This is grief twice and they should sue the funeral home and the relevant authorities

  3. Paulina/ eagle eyez

    Eagleeyez; Honestly Speaking, I see no wrong in burying a love one, WHY this couldn’t be done.BUT! since it’s NOT our job to do , we find that there’s a problem.Well in life, especially now , we need to look deeper in the situation, maybe the answer is right there.


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