By Aabigayle McIntosh
The Public Safety Minister has revealed a significant change in the name of the Antigua and Barbuda Fire Brigade, which will now be known as the Antigua and Barbuda Fire and Rescue Services.
Minister Steadroy Benjamin emphasized that this new name accurately reflects the department’s substantial contribution to ongoing safety efforts.
“How many persons understand that whenever there is a serious accident that needs the jaws of life, who do you think carry out those functions, It is the Fire Brigade,” the Minister said.
He added, “Whenever there are fires all over the country, who is the first to be on the scene? Apart from the neighbors, it’s the Fire Brigade, You, my friends are an essential part of our security”.
The Fire and Rescue Services will also be given the additional responsibility of enforcement where the construction of buildings is concerned.
According to the Minister, the department will be working closely with the Development Control Authority (DCA) to enforce the country’s building code. He said no one would be allowed to erect any building without the requisite approval from the Fire and Rescue Services.
“I shall be speaking with you Mr. Commissioner and your men to make certain that we pass laws relevant to today’s day and age,” he said.
The minister also pledged to provide updated equipment for the department to continue to function effectively.
I agree with the change of name! In the 21st Century, we must move away from these Oldtime name and give it a name which reflect changes in operations, meanings and roles. Regrettably it is not so easy to change the name of the Police Force because the name is one recognize in the Constitution, at least so some legal persons think. I have a different view point.