Around thirty workers who will be manning the electoral booths in St. Mary’s South constituency during the upcoming by-election on October 24th attended a rigorous training program.
Supervisor of Elections, Ian Hughes, and other senior staff members of the Antigua and Barbuda Electoral Commission conducted the training for presiding officers, poll clerks, and information officers who will be in charge of the voting process on Election Day.
The training covered topics such as the duties of presiding officers, issuing of ballot papers, collecting gender statistics, rules governing the companion of a blind voter, and how to check fingerprints before and after the voting process.
The workers were also trained on how to record names in the register and set up polling stations.
Hughes emphasized that the polling stations should be set up uniformly in all eight polling stations.
The constituency will have eight polling stations in total, with five in Bolans, two in Urlings, and one in Johnson’s Point.
Hughes confirmed that his team is in a state of readiness for the by-election, with all boxes packed and necessary preparations completed. The Revised Register is expected to be published by Thursday.