Editorial Staff
11/11/23 15:48

Editorial Staff
11/11/23 15:48

St Kitts-Nevis Prime Minister wants CXC to adapt to a changing region

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St. Kitts-Nevis Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew recently spoke at the Caribbean Examination Council’s (CXC) third annual Ministerial Summit on Educational Transformation, commemorating the organization’s 50 years of service to the Caribbean region’s educational development.

The Prime Minister emphasized the need for educational reform that would be responsive to the Caribbean’s unique needs and people.

Under the theme “Reimagining Educational Reform – Towards Transformative Agility,” the Prime Minister urged the CXC to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and adaptability required to excel in a dynamic and ever-changing landscape.

He emphasized that education is not only about imparting knowledge but also about instilling the capacity for transformation and agility in students.

The Prime Minister celebrated CXC’s standardized examinations and qualifications, which have become a common benchmark for educational achievement, recognized and admired not only in the Caribbean but globally.

The CXC’s data-driven approach ensures that educational content remains relevant and in sync with the dynamic demands of the modern workforce, paving the way for young minds to explore, innovate, and excel in their areas of passion and strength while holding recognized qualifications.


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