Editorial Staff
19/12/23 19:54

Editorial Staff
19/12/23 19:54

Tourism Minister Invests $4M in Cordless Kiosks for 2024 Tourist Surge.

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Tourism Minister, Max Fernandez, has announced plans to enhance the tourism experience by installing cordless kiosks to streamline and expedite the entry process for tourists and returning citizens.

This initiative is part of a larger plan aimed at accommodating the surge of visitors anticipated for the year 2024.

The installation of these cordless kiosks is expected to significantly reduce wait times and enhance the overall efficiency of the entry process at key points of entry.

Although an expensive venture, estimated to cost around 4 million US dollars, the Tourism Minister has stressed the urgency of having the system in place before the expected influx of visitors.

With major events like the SIDS conference and the World Cup cricket on the horizon, the minister for St John’s City East is working closely with Minister Fernandez to ensure everything is in place.

The cordless kiosks are expected to facilitate the entry process for thousands of persons and make the process quicker and more convenient for everyone.


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