Editorial Staff
03/01/24 07:18

Editorial Staff
03/01/24 07:18

XPZ arsonist appeals for second chance and employment in Antigua

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Alex Feng


In a passionate plea to the public, Tianzhao Alex Feng, the Chinese national behind the XPZ arson in June 2021, is fervently seeking a second chance at employment in Antigua.

Despite his troubled past, Feng insists he deserves an opportunity to rebuild his life just like anyone else.

“A lot of people kill people and rape people and they still get jobs,” he said in dialect.

Feng, now 35, had a difficult journey in Antigua, arriving in 2017 for a promised better life, only to find himself entangled in a web of alleged exploitation.

In a social inquiry report shared during one of his court appearances, the court heard of tales of alleged physical abuse, squalid living conditions, and a contract he signed without fully understanding its implications, leaving him feeling like a victim of human trafficking.

The arsonist, who served a 14-month prison sentence, emphasised that he has paid his debt to society and is eager to reintegrate. However, the stigma of his criminal history has made finding employment challenging.

Feng fervently appealed to Antiguan businesses to look beyond his past, expressing his willingness to take on any work, whether it be cleaning, landscaping, or supermarket duties.

“Me only have problem with Chinese, not with Antiguans. Me don’t want work for them no more ‘cause dem too wicked. They bang me plenty times, they give me nothing,” Feng shared emotionally.

Complicating matters further, Feng lacks legal documentation, having had his passport confiscated upon his arrival in Antigua and Barbuda.

He is therefore calling on the Antigua and Barbuda government for assistance, acknowledging the challenges due to diplomatic relations.

“If Antigua don’t want me to stay, then they can send me anywhere, but not China. Me no wah go China. I don’t have any rights … not full rights like here,” he expressed.

Currently living in a Villa with support from someone linked to the Immigration Department, Feng faces various health issues resulting from his harsh experiences.

The XPZ building, which suffered an estimated EC$10 million in damages, is currently being rebuilt.

Meanwhile, Feng hopes for redemption, urging the public and authorities to consider his earnest plea for a second chance at a meaningful life in Antigua.

1 Comment

  1. Teacher for Life

    Everyone deserves a second chance and I pray this young man receives one.


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