Editorial Staff
05/01/24 08:34

Editorial Staff
05/01/24 08:34

Man Remains in ICU Following Fitches Creek Incident

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Health Minister Deeply Concerned About Workers Getting Sick by Harmful Fumes

Police tape marks the Fitches Creek area near where a man died due to alleged carbon monoxide poisoning (Photo by Samantha Simon)

The Health Minister, Sir Molwyn Joseph, has expressed deep concern over the increasing number of workers getting sick due to inhaling harmful fumes at different work sites.

The Minister’s worries have come to light after a recent incident at Fitches Creek on Wednesday.

According to the EMS, one man died, and another had to be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre due to suspected carbon monoxide poisoning.

The current situation is extremely concerning and has led to the Minister calling for stricter measures to be implemented to ensure the safety and well-being of workers at their workplaces.

The incident that sparked this concern involved two men who were relatives and belonged to the Five Islands community.

They were pumping water from a cistern at a house in Fitches Creek.

Unfortunately, while Amin Martin, the younger of the two, was inside the cistern operating the water pump, he suddenly fell ill.

In a valiant attempt to save his family member, Henry Richardson, the older of the two, went in after him, only to fall ill himself.

Both men were part of the Richardson family from Five Islands.

The EMS, fire, and search and rescue units were summoned, and both men were pulled from the cistern.

Martin, said to be age 39, died at the hospital, while Richardson, believed to be in his 60’s, has since been in the ICU.

According to the Cabinet Notes, the Minister of Health reported that workers who inhale fumes and impure air show an alarming rate of illness.

The Cabinet, therefore, encourages all workers exposed to conditions that are likely to affect their lungs to wear protective masks and utilize other personal protective equipment (PPEs) when they are working.

This urging by the Minister is said to have preceded any knowledge of the death and injury suffered by two workers at a cistern in Fitches Creek.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    That is why these work that are exposed to danger like these two should be going home with a fat check,every week or month.


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