Editorial Staff
06/01/24 08:49

Editorial Staff
06/01/24 08:49

Residents protest Dunbar’s Experimental Station move.

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Residents across the nation protested yesterday against the relocation of Dunbar’s Experimental and Cotton stations to make way for a new social housing development.

The agricultural facility was taken aback when heavy machinery began to clear large areas, disturbing trees, crops, and the drip irrigation system.

Over 30 citizens gathered in the region to vehemently oppose the destruction of essential crops such as cassava, coconuts, cherry tomatoes, and sweet potatoes.

Critics argue that this endangers regional food security and undermines the farm’s agricultural research, which has been in operation for a long time and holds sentimental significance for many.

Opposition MPs also joined the residents in the demonstration

Leader Jamale Pringle criticized the government’s decision, stating that they should develop hillside areas for housing, leaving the flat and arable land for agricultural purposes.

The government contends that the housing project is crucial as it will bring in vital revenue and assures plans to relocate the operations currently at Dunbars to an alternative site for continuity.

1 Comment

  1. Teacher for Life

    Is this a move to make the PM’s agricultural outfit in Pares Dunbar’s replacement? At any rate, while housing is necessary, food production is paramount. One cannot keep claiming agricultural land for housing purposes for it will prove to be counter productive and even be detrimental to our ability to feed ourselves in the long run.


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