Editorial Staff
25/01/24 12:28

Editorial Staff
25/01/24 12:28

Basketball Association condems recent vandalism attempt

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The Executive of the Antigua and Barbuda Basketball Association (ABBA) is condemning a recent attempt of vandalism at the JSC Sports Complex.

In the wee hours of Wednesday 24 January, an attempt was made to light a fire in the middle of the court by an unknown assailant.

The executive was alerted by the custodian about the minor damages to the playing surface early Thursday morning.

Upon assessing the damages, the burnt pieces were removed and replaced.

While the damage to the playing surface was not significant, the President of ABBA, Michael Freeland, shared his frustrations over the nonsensical matter.

“To even think that someone would try to light a fire in the complex is just ridiculous and alarming as well and we condemn this act and all acts of vandalism. We will be filing a police report. We are calling on patrons to cease and desist from vandalizing the complex.

“This will only cause harm to the sport and our youth, especially as many use the facility on a daily basis, whether it be for practice sessions, school games, or just to stay in shape. We have our league coming up as well.

“For those persons in the surrounding communities, we are asking for you to keep an eye out, and let’s all work together to keep the facility in proper conditions,” Freeland said.

Efforts will be made to increase security measures at the facility.

Over the years, there have been several cases of vandalism and attempted break-ins at the complex but nothing to this degree.


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