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Police arrested and jointly charged 41-yr-old Jowato Gino Athill of Clark’s Hill and 33-yr-old Adiva Collins of Clare Hall with Unlawful Possession of eleven .32mm rounds of ammunition, Possession of five 9mm rounds ammunition, and Possession of one hundred and two .22mm rounds of ammunition.
Meanwhile, 28-yr-old Jeson Cedeno of Liberta and 24-yr-old Kamiyah Daniel of Villa for were jointly charged with Unlawful Possession of one Glock 9mm Pistol, Possession of four 9mm rounds of ammunition, Possession of 183 grams of Cannabis, and Possession with intent to Sell. Both men were further charged with Possession of 83 grams of Cannabis, and Possession With Intent to Sell.
The police executed search warrants on their properties last Friday and seized the illegal items. They are due in court Monday.
YES, Take them off our streets!!
The rate at which we’re going in this country, this isn’t breaking news .
More guns off the streets.
It seems like every gun taken off the street 10 gone in hiding. Smh
It is good to hear that guns are moving off the streets of Antigua. Are these guns coming off the streets? The more they removed the guns, the more they returned to the streets, selling to the highest bidder. Do the ABPF have a machine to destroy these guns when removed from society?
Another set off and yet another set join! Almost as if the more guns they take off the streets, double coming back to the streets.
Yes, everyday I read the news and see these things I get excited. It’s lovely to see that our police force is working to bring Antigua to a better and safer place.
How are these people even getting guns by the way, how do they get it across the border? I want to believe they are buying these guns from the police. They take them from them and their plugs will take it right back. They need to go back on the stash to see all the guns missing.