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Lady Williams
Lady Williams shared this message following her illness in China
Thank you so much to everyone for your outpouring of love and support . The way you all prayed for me, is the way we need to continue to pray for everyone who is sick and troubled, in every corner of the universe. Time and time again, it is proven that God hears our prayers .
I was on my way to Beijing to represent Antigua and Barbuda at the 6th China Latin America and Caribbean Region People to People Friendship Conference one week ago, when I became unconscious during the latter part of the flight and had to be taken off of the aircraft by ambulance upon landing.
As there were other nationals from Antigua and Barbuda on that flight who witnessed my emergency exit from the ‘plane, Government House felt it necessary to make an announcement concerning the situation .
The medical team in China was easily the best in the world that I had ever come across, and thanks to the expert care, I am alive today .
Corporal Shane Williams, my Aide , was a blessing in disguise, and was with me every moment of every day .
Thanks also to the best doctor in the world 🌎, my husband , who flew to Beijing to be with me and never left my side . ❤️🌹
To anyone who cares to listen … know that there is no distinction in death . There is no shade of skin color. There is no separation of rank and file . There is no party identification by red or blue . All there is…is YOU, and the great beyond . Everything that you have amassed in this earth will mean absolutely nothing , and will gently fall away.
I am expecting to be discharged from hospital shortly, and hopefully will be given the all clear to fly home within the next week or two .
Thanks again !
Lots of Love ❤️
Lady Williams
To God be the Glory.
All praise to Almighty God for your healing Lady Williams.
May lady williams live a long and healthy life
Thank god for nursing lady williams back to health