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MP Anthony Smith
The legal case regarding All Saints West MP Anthony Smith Jr.’s independent candidacy has been postponed until December 3rd.
The hearing, originally scheduled for today, was delayed due to the absence of the presiding judge.
Smith Jr., who also holds the position of Minister of Agriculture, Lands, and the Blue Economy, is represented by experienced attorney Dr. David Dorsett.
When the case resumes on December 3rd, the judge is expected to address two applications submitted by both MP Smith Jr. and Attorney General Sir Steadroy Benjamin.
They are requesting the dismissal of the case, which was initiated by two constituents from the All Saints West area and has the support of the United Progressive Party.
So no other judge can handle the case? Is something special in this judge that no other one can handle the case?
So what’s the rush? Those guys are doing what they do best – provide healthy paychecks fir their lawyer friends who,they know, will lose anyway. In the meantime, Hon. Smith continue to work on behalf of your supporters and the country as a whole.
Mr. Editor,
Please enlighten me. Is it only 1 Judge that serves Antigua/Barbuda at a time? I have limited knowledge of how the Courts work ….. however, I think there is only 1 Resident Judge in our Nation.
Additionally, how can the Judge Just DISMISS the REQUEST of HUNDREDS of Constituents of the M P who signed up for his Leadership on THEIR Behalf …..!and are NOW left without ANY Representation in the HIGHEST Body of Government which “make laws and breaks laws” to quote an ALP Member of Parliament of the past ……
Further, I would like to ask a Question….. Is there NO LAWYER in Antigua and Barbuda BOLD Enough to bring a case AGAINST the Prime Minister for ignoring The Antigua and Barbuda Constitution Order 1981 — “CHAPTER X Miscellaneous” 123. — (1) There shall be a Council for Barbuda which shall be the principal organ of local government in that island” ……
…… Was there an Act of Parliament that changed this? Was there an Act of Parliament passed that made all Barbudans “TENANTS”— Thus REMOVING Their “CITIZENSHIP” as stated in CHAPTER X – Paragraph 127 – Interpretation ….. and as noted in the Introduction or Preamble of our CONSTITUTION —— (that is the section prior to CHAPTER I – The State and The Constitution) paragraph (d) “WHEREAS the People of Antigua and Barbuda recognize that the law symbolizes the public conscience, etc etc ……”
I am very Confused …..
May I request an Erudite Lawyer provide me (and John Public) some Clarification on this…… and is the Prime Minister going AGAINST what is provided for in our Constitution with regards to what is happening in Barbuda presently ……
……. It seems as though there is A PLAN to keep the Majority of the Citizens of Antigua and Barbuda permanently DUMB in Constitutional Matters! Thanks to ABCRE — That group of TRUE Citizens who are VOLUNTARILY helping us to UNDERSTAND AND MAKE CHANGES (as we are allowed to do) to Our “Constitution Order 1981”
Thank you Mr. Editor