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Mom Requests Exclusion of Step-Mom During Visitation Rights
Dear Editor
I know this might not be the ideal setting to discuss it, but I feel it’s important to share my concerns regarding a situation involving some mothers.
My boyfriend has been navigating a challenging relationship with his daughter’s mother, which recently involved a court case concerning custody and support.
As part of the arrangement, he is required to pay child support through the legal system, and he has established visitation rights that allow him to spend time with his daughter on the weekends.
However, there’s been ongoing tension because the child’s mother has questioned my presence during those visits.
Despite the fact that my boyfriend and I have been together for quite some time, she has made it clear that she isn’t comfortable with me being around when their child is with him.
She insists that those precious moments should belong solely to father and daughter, effectively excluding me from the family dynamic we’ve begun to form.
Over time, I’ve developed a genuine affection for the little girl, and it’s become a part of my routine to spend weekends with them.
Being a part of her life feels natural, and I cherish the time we share. Yet, now, the child’s mother is making threats to take further legal action to demand I am not present when she comes to see her dad.
She is considering going back to court to seek a judge’s order that would prevent me from seeing her daughter, which has left me feeling anxious and uncertain about my place in this family.
That is just nonsense,i am in a similar situation the only thing is that they are not at COURT YET but the mother refuse the child of time spending with his dad, i am a woman and i wouldnt want to push hime to take legal actions against her but if it takes that route for hin to be with his son then so ve it,he his bassically the sole provider for the child, and i know if the court gets involve then she loose most to all custody,we as step mothers can be placed i a difficult positions sometimes that paints us all bad,dont get me wrong there are wicked individuals out there who will mistreat a child/children however you give ones the benifit of the doubt before judging.
The mother’s demand has merit and should be respected even though it might be difficult to enforce. The girlfriend is NOT the child’s stepmother and should therefore not force herself into the child’s life, claiming girlfriend’s privileges.
On the other hand, if the mother prevails, would this mean that Dad will not be able to enjoy the company of his girlfriend, or any girlfriend on the days that he has custody of his child. I certainly wouldn’t want the father to be forced to choose between his daughter and his girlfriend on )weekends.
By the way, does the mother have male friends of her own who interact regularly with the child in question?
I agree %100, mothers know best, she can go and get her own child
How you know she doesn’t have children?
Your level of incompetence is speaking volume
That is total bs then if so be the case the father should insist that no step father should be anywhere negro his daughter visi vesa give me a break
It is sad that the mother feels threatened by your relationship with the child
That’s not her call to make mother or not she alone cannot make a child and what about you daddy bro don’t you have anything to say about it man up or are you in agreement with the children’s mother. She is just being vindictive and jealous as most child mothers are in this situation…us men will never learn
There is more to this story. The mother must have some other reason for wanting to limit your access to her daughter