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Hon. Anthony Smith Jr the Minister of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries, and the Blue Economy
By Aabigayle McIntosh
Agriculture Minister Anthony Smith Jr is sharing a bit more about a partnership that was signed last Thursday between the government of Antigua and Barbuda and Venezuela
The new Framework Cooperation Agreement is set to see Antigua and Barbuda gain access to 25,000 acres of prime arable land in Venezuela to boost both crop and livestock production.
“It will bring significant benefits to Antigua and Barbuda and potentially other members of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, ALBA. Not only will it boost production for consumption in Antigua and Barbuda, it is set to put the country in a position to increase exports.”
He explained further, “As well, Venezuela, they have the climate which allows for certain crop production and fruits that we are unable to grow in Antigua and the lands available also puts us in a position to have very large scale productions to meet our demands and to even go as far as to put us in a position to export. So, the collaboration is a significant step towards strengthening our agriculture sector and enhancing the food security throughout Antigua and Barbuda.”
The land will be available to Antigua and Barbuda for 30 years at no cost, with the option to renew the agreement for a further 30 years.
Minister Smith expresses gratitude for Venezuela’s support, emphasizing that this partnership will significantly bolster Antigua and Barbuda’s agricultural sector.
It has been instrumental to our development over the years and a prime example of that is the Venezuelan PDV subsidy which provides crucial monthly assistance to many elderly across Antigua and Barbuda.
Congratulations, Sir, on today’s significant High Court ruling concerning your heroic decision to leave the UPP rubbish behind, preferring to be independent, unfettered, uncompromised by the backward vision, lack of vision, chaotic environment in which you were expected to thrive.
Congratulations, son. Continue to work to the best of your ability on behalf of this small, struggling State blessed beyond measure to be led by a Prime Minister like the Hon. Gaston Browne.
Stay the course, young man. Again, Congratulations!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽