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MP Kelvin ‘Shugy’ Simon
By Hon. Kelvin “Shugy” Simon
It’s time we confront the uncomfortable truth. While government officials like Senator Shenella Govia parade the idea that Antigua and Barbuda’s economy is thriving, the facts tell a different story. According to her, things are going so well that people now have four or five jobs. Let’s be honest — when did having to work multiple jobs become a sign of success?
This is not progress; it’s survival mode. When citizens have to juggle multiple jobs just to make ends meet, it’s a glaring sign of economic failure. It means wages are too low, living costs are too high, and good-paying jobs are scarce. People aren’t working multiple jobs because they want to — they’re doing it because they have to. And while some may see this as “hustle culture,” I see it for what it really is: exploitation.
Let’s not sugarcoat it. Working four or five jobs takes a toll. Parents are too exhausted to care for their children, mental health issues skyrocket, and overall productivity declines. This is not the picture of a “booming” economy — it’s a recipe for generational hardship.
But while the government brags about so-called economic growth, a more dangerous crisis is unfolding — the growing influx of illegal drugs. Every week, it seems there’s another drug bust at the post office or one of our ports. And yet, we hear little to no follow-up. How many of these cases are quietly swept under the rug? How many shipments pass through undetected?
We all remember when a government minister found himself embroiled in a drug-related incident. Yet, as usual, it faded into the background without explanation. No investigation, no accountability, no justice. What message does that send to the people of Antigua and Barbuda? If those in power can walk away unscathed, what hope do ordinary citizens have of seeing true justice?
These incidents raise serious concerns about border security and oversight. Are our customs and port officials being properly resourced? Are there sufficient checks in place, or are we just hoping for the best? The fact that drug traffickers are now using our post office as a transit hub is alarming. If these issues aren’t addressed, it may not be long before our streets feel the full impact of this illegal trade.
I’m not suggesting that economic hardship directly drives drug trafficking, but I do believe the government’s focus is woefully misguided. They are obsessed with numbers, charts, and so-called “economic growth,” but they’re ignoring the human cost. What good is growth if families are crumbling? What good is GDP if children are being raised by exhaustion instead of parents? What good is development if drug traffickers feel emboldened to operate through our very own ports and post offices?
True progress isn’t measured by how many jobs a person can stack. It’s measured by how well one job can sustain a family. It’s measured by the strength of our families, the well-being of our citizens, and the integrity of our justice system.
If this government is serious about building a better Antigua and Barbuda, they need to shift focus. Create jobs that pay a living wage. Strengthen border security and demand accountability from those in power. Stop bragging about “growth” that doesn’t benefit the people. The only thing growing right now is frustration, and it won’t be long before it boils over.
We deserve better, and I will continue to fight for better.
We must wake up, wise up and rise up!
Shuggy, move you RH, batty boi. Senator Dwayne George for the win. Wait fu um!!!!
I am all for liveable wages and working multiple jobs just to make ends meet is detrimental to the individual, his or family and society at large. One should be able to provide for one’s family with just good paying job. Stress is a killer!
Shugy what the heck u know about anything that was wrote in ur name. Boy u dunce a rass tlking about drugs and hustle. Get a life, u r so slow. Represent the people and shut u rass
The fools drink the red cool aid and think red is bread but little do they know a better life is out there with natural fruit juices and many better pastries 🥮
Sometimes the truth is a very hard thing to swallow…why? Because some people live in a world of lies and can’t think for them selves
Tea her for Life, nobody is forced to have more than one source of income. Who are we to determine what is/is not beyond an individual’s capacity. There are very.few teachers who do milk their profession for all its worth. Main job hours: 8 – 1:30 or 9:00 – 3:00. Then there is the endless list of after-school lessons, private tutoring, night school, easter and summer camps +++++. So teacher, stay out of this one, please.
I agree we need better pay
I agree