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By-election: Which Road Will Asot’s Army Take? Red or Blue?
A by-election has been announced for January 14th, 2025 in St. Peter to fill the seat left vacant by the death of the late MP Asot Michael. A deeply controversial figure, Michael’s more than 20-year stint in public life was dogged throughout by persistent accusations of corruption and other abuses. Nevertheless, he remained a highly influential political financier within his party until his removal from the Labour slate before the January 2023 general election.
Come January 2025, who wins the seat that Michael retained consecutively since being first elected in 2004 will be impacted by several factors, not least among them, the fact that his last victory there was as an independent, which ostensibly suggests that voters were willing to be swayed away from the two established parties.
In reality, however, the fortunes of the candidates in the upcoming by-election will be chiefly determined by whether or not the apparent shift from voting solidly Labour – which the electorate in St. Peter had been doing consistently since at least 1971 – to voting for an independent candidate in the most recent election in 2023, was a genuine repudiation of the Labour Party by the voters of St Peter.
Many would assert that it was not. They would argue that it had more to do with MP Asot Michael himself and the amount of resources he had at his disposal to effectively outspend and out-campaign his rivals, which he did. No one should dispute that. He advertised more, hired more workers, ran larger a longer campaign, gave more inducements (gifts), and likely outspent all his components combined, several times over. The results bore that out.
Of the 3680 votes cast in St. Peter in the January 2023 general election, Micheal amassed 2137 votes (58.07%) to the ABLP’s Rawdon Turner’s 899 (24.42%), the UPP’s Tevaughn Harriet’s 601 (16.33%), and the DNA’s Chaneil Imhoff’s 29 (0.78%). In the run-up to the election, St. Peter registered the largest increase in voters of any constituency at a staggering 51%. No other constituency came close.
Some commentators laid accusations against Michael of inducing voters to fraudulently transfer in from other constituencies – something he denied. The Antigua and Barbuda Electoral Commission (ABEC) reported around mid-January 2023, a week before the election that 4,609 people were registered to vote as compared to the 3,041 people who were registered in 2018. That’s an additional 1,568 people.
Anyone who visited the polling centre at Parham Primary School on election day in 2023 would have noticed workers for Turner and Harriet milling about and gathering at their chosen space outside the school, with clipboards and markers, visible but not conspicuous. The candidates themselves were hard to spot at times.
By contrast, Michael’s team had established a virtual encampment opposite the polling station, their sheer numbers making it impossible for them not to be noticed immediately. A row of large tents sprawled along the roadside leading to the school gate. Under them, a dozen tables and more dozens of chairs were set out with workers clad in grey shirts seated at laptops or on their phones. In the centre was Michael relaying orders and gesticulating feverishly as if directing a battalion as to which hill to cross in order to outflank the enemy.
Besides the resources brought to bear for the actual campaign, Michael’s win was no doubt assisted by the relationship of patronage he had established there over 20 years. A multi-millionaire at the very least, Michael spent two decades lavishing his constituents with millions of dollars worth of gifts and social support funded ostensibly from his own pocket, paying tuition, school fees, medical bills, funeral costs, sponsoring sports teams, repairing homes, and sometimes just handing out unsolicited cash. He would take a piss in someone’s home and leave money on top of the toilet.
His unmatched resources in the 2023 St. Peter campaign, the supposed loyalty he bought through years of inducement and patronage, and his ability to paint himself as a victim of Gaston Browne wrongfully cast out of the Labour Party, would combine to support his resounding win in the last election. That brings us to where we are now.
Turner has the benefit of the Labour Party having won in St. Peter for decades before Michael’s independent run in 2023, as well as the fact that Michael’s campaign was not an anti-Labour campaign per se, which is to say that he did not rally 2137 voters explicitly on an anti-Labour platform. Nevertheless, Michael did get 2137 voters to vote against the Labour Party by siding with him when there was a Labour candidate on the ticket. This reality must not be overlooked and it should present an opportunity of some kind to the main opposition.
The real challenge is in trying to understand and replicate the motivations of the massive cadre of voters who went Michael’s way in 2023. Turner will want to tell them that Michael was born in Labour and died a Labourite, despite the falling out there might have been between the party Leader and the late MP. Harriet or whoever emerges as the UPP candidate will want to tell St. Peter’s voters that Michael recognised the failure of the Gaston Browne administration and knew that change was needed.
What both sides may not want to acknowledge is that perhaps more than anything, voters were influenced by Michael’s money and patronage, and given that none of them can hope to seriously match that level of largesse, none of them can hope to mobilise or capture his vote share in the same way. We are eager to see the voter turnout in this by-election as it may give some indication of whether voters feel motivated to come out in the same numbers in the absence of Michael’s largesse.
Still, unless the UPP can strategically capitalise on Michael’s support from the last election and encourage them to keep voting against the Labour Party, we anticipate that when the dust settles, it will be Rawdon Turner who is sworn in as the new MP for St. Peter, continuing 50+ years of Labour dominance in that seat broken for just two years (Jan 2023 – Jan 2025) by a longstanding Labour MP turned independent.
About the writer:
Kieron Murdoch is an opinion contributor at He worked as a journalist and later as a radio presenter in Antigua and Barbuda for eight years, covering politics and governance especially. If you have an opinion on the issues raised in this editorial and you would like to submit a response by email to be considered for publication, please email
I agree with this Kieran. ALWAYS well written!
Don’t waste your time, Kieron. I was expecting to see vultures immediately after the , but butÿNovember. However the goon squad figured they would wait until just after his funeral while the Constituency is more than ever still in great pain and utter disbelief, to show their callous, self-serving, heartless selves to call up the Kieron brigade as a matter of urgency since the by-election date has been announced. The Asot-led ABLP supporters have watched in horror the way you cannibalize one of your own, young Harriet. Why would they trust you vultures with their future????
Asot’s political roots go way deeper than his association with the current leadership of the ABLP. Asot and his family stauchly support the ABLP so the constituents of St. Peter should NOT allow themselves to be deceived by blue demons and serpents now professing concern. Stamp on them and chase them out of your constituency.
Continue Asot’s legacy of support, not necessarily for a particular individual, but for the institution that Asot, his family and generations before him supported.
You’re a waste of time you old goat. Eat some grass and chill.
Problem no1, the Asot die-hards are not going to forget what PM Brown and his party did to their representative especially during the last election.Problem no 2, the upp in my opinion has no visible candidate to contest that seat and win. Which leaves much uncertainty as to how it will really turn out. Its anybody’s guess..
The above comment was contributed by stone
Asot army doesn’t care what Gaston or the ABLP did to their beloved Asot Michael in the last election. They are going to vote for the ABLP candidate. Even if Asot sister or son goes and run as the independent candidate, St Peters people will vote ABLP. If they really love Asot Michael, in his honor, do not vote ABLP. People of St Peter remember that Gaston is going to be in your space campaigning…let him know not to come in your space.
Me a tell Gaston and his campaign team do not come into my space. I would never forget how he treated my and the people of St Peters Asot Michael. Never Gaston Browne.
This will test whether the voters value party loyalty or individual influence lool