Editorial Staff
15/03/25 19:26

Editorial Staff
15/03/25 19:26

National Security Minister Says Female Suspect Led Cops to Chantel’s Body

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National Security Minister Steadroy Benjamin

The woman detained as a suspect in the horrific murder of nine-year-old Chantel Crump helped police locate the child’s body on Friday night.

Attorney General Sir Steadroy Benjamin confirmed that after hours of interrogation, the woman voluntarily guided officers to a secluded area in Weatherills Estate, where the lifeless body of young Chantel was discovered in the bushes.

Chantel was last seen getting into a vehicle near her home in Grays Farm just a few days before the grim discovery. The case has sent ripples of anxiety and anger through the country as residents come to terms with the loss of a child in such a brutal manner.

The police continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding Chantel’s death, and the suspect remains in custody as they gather more evidence.

The community is united in mourning for the young girl and calls for justice resonate through Grays Farm and beyond.


  1. Angry

    So this woman gracefully led police to where her duty rassclattt dump the person child? I want you killed slow and painfully. I dont want you dead easily. YOU MUST SUFFER!

  2. Anonymous

    Pull her guts out thru she pork that’s what she deserves wicked evil bitch

  3. Teacher for Life

    Let her evil low down rass loose so we can stone she rass to death. Wicked bitch!

  4. Fustrated Citizen

    No words #Justiceforchantel

    • Stone

      Why why why why why why why why why is the question every would like answered, why????

  5. Curious

    She literally knew it all and she said she dropped her off home what a wicked heart of man

  6. Blessed

    Let me cut her pussy off an roast it

  7. Juju Bee

    I’m happy she finally spoke cause the search may still have been ongoing with them wicked people involved knowing damn well the child already gone.
    Sad day for the nation

  8. Asking

    When will we see the death of this girl AG?


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