Editorial Staff
17/03/25 11:55

Editorial Staff
17/03/25 11:55

WATCH: Hispanic Community Unites in Outrage Following Murder of Chantel Crump

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The Hispanic community in Antigua and Barbuda is outraged by the death of 9-year-old Chantel Crump.

Angela Mejia, who is of Hispanic descent, has confessed to the crime.

Antigua.news spoke to some hispanic people living in Antigua on Sunday.


  1. Easy

    You guys deserve a medal. Keeping us informed. All I need is wifi or data and the information is on my lap. Continue to grow Antigua.news. 👏 👏

  2. Faithful national #1

    Send home all useless Hispanics asap. Time to dismantle this self-designed isolated group from among us. Papa Bird’s idea of giving sanctuary to those great, great, great, great grand fathers came originally from Santo Domingo has clearly been abused and the system and process needs to be abolished. They have no use for their neighbours the Haitians who like themselves are only seeking an opportunity to flee terrorism and find a peaceful place to raise their families. In time they will have no use for us. It has already started. Don’t be fooled by them . It is Judge Judy who advises all the time, you don’t like it here, THEN MOVE!!

    • God’s Word or nothing

      “‘When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.”
      ‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭19‬:‭33‬-‭34‬

      • Luka Johnson

        We are all with Chantel, we want justice.

  3. Unruly One

    Justice for Chantel!

  4. Chris

    Justice for Chante!

  5. Antigua Surf

    Even the Spanish are hurt by the actions of their very own…. This is sad! Angela you have put a whole nation to hurt!

  6. Rhea

    Yes, we should all unite as a people. Let’s not stir more problems but instead fix the problems at hand!

    • Gretta

      Spanish people donr trouble nobody. And I love my Spanimennn and women

  7. Food4thought

    A nation in mourning. Even the Hispanic community is left hurting. I must. Awesome video production by Antigua.News! You’ve been doing a lot of goodness lately! A growing media house that will surely deliver on time

  8. Curious

    I mean you can’t blame the whole community for the wrong doings of someone we should not be judging the Spanish community the individual did her own wrong doings prayers are needed for the country

  9. Kenny

    The woman in black making statment about she has children and she abandoned her kids to go live with the spanish black man from the barbershop on tindale ,while for kids out on the streets stealing and doing drugs I know her from Cedar Grove. Don’t talk about being a mother when you don’t know about being one.


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