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CABINET NOTES: The Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda meeting today, Wednesday 22nd January 2025, has learned that certain elements within the Barbuda Council have acted to prevent work to begin at Louie Hill, Barbuda, where more than 200 homes, a mall, and other infrastructural works are to be constructed.
They have placed two government-owned trucks in the path of the excavator that has been authorized to commence the clearing of unwanted vegetation from land on which the new buildings are to be constructed.
In the interest of order and peace, the Cabinet took the decision to warn the Barbuda Council of the fundamental right which the Central Government exercises over crown land in Antigua and Barbuda.
The Barbuda Council is reminded of the Privy Council’s decision recently rendered, which the Council initiated.
The Cabinet wishes to ensure that no harm is suffered by anyone, and that no property is destroyed by the illegal action of the Council members.
The Cabinet continues to do its best to ensure that decisions taken by the Cabinet—to improve housing, to ensure legal ownership of land in Barbuda by those who reside there and those who were born on the island, and those citizens who qualify—are fulfilled.
As Barbuda develops, no-one is to be left behind, the Cabinet repeated. As Barbuda is brought into the economy of Antigua and Barbuda in a meaningful way, resistance by those who wish to stand in the way of progress cannot be tolerated.
The continued resistance of elements within the Barbuda Council shall not be permitted.
Leave the people of Barbuda alone. Let them be. Give them their land to do what they want. They believe they can develop their own lands let them have it. The government is concerned about Barbuda and making it St Barts but cannot even address basic road conditions on the mainland. What a thing!
What a wasteful wish! The people of Barbuda are direct descendants of the people of Antigua. They were arbitrarily removed from their familial homes by a white slave owner to work on his grounds in Barbuda as well to produce a particular species of humans based on careful selection from among his finest Antiguan “slaves”. In typical fashion, the thieving white investor/planter who was eventually forced out of the business gave his simple minded ex-slaves, at the time of his ousting, the impression that HE was still in charge, that he OWNED Barbuda and bequeathed it to his chattel slaves. The Barbudans continue to promote and live this LIE simply because of a handful of deracinated Barbudan power-hungry rogues who are interested only in self enrichment and entitlement. They have pushed this anti Antigua rhetoric to accomplish these goals.
And how ironic! The chief ring-leader, the middle-aged Walker is suspected to be of Montserratan/Antiguan direct descent. Examine the current surnames of the now weaponized inhabitants and their vociferous deceitful leaders/council members and you’ll find a common trend of cohabitation with everyone from everywhere – Africa, England, France, Italy, St. Vincent, to name a few, and these find themselves members of the rabid choir of “indigenous” Barbudans. Antiguans for whatever reason(s) have been reticent, about confronting these bastard frauds and continue wittingly or unwittingly to stand on the truth, to speak truth to power.Well, not all Antiguans are afraid of those confounded idiots who allow themselves to be used by gay desperados for political gains. Gear up “Barbudans”, bring it on!
They must do something so that the constructions continue and Barbuda continues to grow.