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Dear Editor:
In a letter you published yesterday, the writer attempted to call out MPs Simon and Lewis. The writer’s selective outrage is as predictable as it is misplaced. Instead of speculating about the absence of UPP MPs Richard Lewis and Kelvin Simon from the campaign platform, the more pertinent question is this: why did the UPP take six weeks—six entire weeks—to select a candidate and mobilize for a by-election they knew was coming?
MP Asot Michael passed away during the first week in November, and what did the UPP do? Absolutely nothing. Gisele Isaac, the Party Chair, members of UPP Women’s Forum and other key members, jetted off to Ghana, leaving the party in limbo. Is Isaac the only person entitled to a vacation while her party languishes in disarray? The hypocrisy within the UPP is staggering. Did anyone suggest that Gisele delay her pilgrimage?
Now, as January 14 approaches, the UPP is scrambling to lay blame for an outcome that hasn’t even materialized. And of course, when their candidate, George Wehner, inevitably falters, the scapegoats will already be lined up: Lewis and Simon. How convenient! The UPP would rather eat their own than face the truth—that their internal dysfunction and glaring lack of leadership are the real culprits. They were caught flat footed.
The cannibalization within the UPP ranks isn’t just pathetic; it signals a party that is constantly at war with itself. If the UPP spent half as much energy creating a cohesive strategy, building a strong leadership and taking the fight to Gaston Browne and the ABLP, it would give supporters so much hope. But they keep tearing down each other, while hypocrisy and self-sabotage continue to be the UPP trademarks.
Fed up
How much does the ABLP pay you ppl to throw linguistics bout the place?
I agreed. The UPP needs to be focusing on getting Gaston and his cronies out of government so the country can move forward. And stop tearing down each other. The ABLP do have their internal fights and disagreements but we are not hearing it in the public like UPP. You guy’s behaving like children now both political parties.
I must agree with you on this one, Donna. I am still trying to figure out upp’s strategies. Maybe there’s something they know that we don’t.