Shermain Bique-Charles
03/11/22 06:45

Shermain Bique-Charles
03/11/22 06:45

James resigns! DNA says he wants the party to merge with UPP

The Democratic National Alliance has lost another member. Gatesworth James, the Secretary-General, informed the Party about his decision in a letter dated October 31st, 2022

This is the third member to leave the DNA in just days.

The party said it accepts the resignation of James but did not fall short of accusing him of failing in his attempts to have the DNA merge with and be subsumed by the United Progressive Party.

“The Party accepts the resignation of our former colleague. It is however unfortunate that his expressed reasons are difficult to appreciate as valid.  It has been speculated for some time now that he intends to join forces with and endorse the UPP candidate for the constituency in which he was slated to contest.  He, too, failed in his attempts to have the DNA merge with and be subsumed by the UPP,” a statement from the DNA said.

The DNA said James’s replacement will be named in due course.

The DNA’s President, Joanne Massiah, said “Politics is both fluid and dynamic and the DNA remains resolute that the governance of the people of Antigua and Barbuda cannot and should not be bartered for political expediency. I assure you all that the DNA remains strong, resilient, focused, and committed to delivering a fairer and better Antigua and Barbuda for all of us.”

Last week the DNA lost its 1st Vice President Bruce Goodwin and Chairperson Malaka Parker, who both jointly resigned from the party by way of a letter on Thursday evening, October 27.

The two were top officials within the DNA, which was seen as a splinter from the main opposition United Progressive Party (UPP),

They too were accused of failing in their efforts to have the party join the UPP.

1 Comment

  1. Davidson

    I cant with these people. It really must be silly season


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