Editorial Staff
08/03/23 07:18

Editorial Staff
08/03/23 07:18

UPP Women’s Forum Salutes its She-roes on International Women’s Day, 2023

Dr Cleon Arthil

Press Statement

In a departure from the last two years, when we singled out and honoured our “Woman of the Year,” the Women’s Forum of the United Progressive Party takes pleasure in saluting several outstanding women in acknowledgment of International Women’s Day, 2023.

Last year, 2022, was a year in which many women were called upon to give of their best, personally and professionally, as the Nation struggled to get back to normalcy after the turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Accordingly, and with respect and admiration, we acknowledge and salute all the women who made the extraordinary effort to hold families, businesses, communities and country together – often at great personal and financial sacrifice – and to advance all facets of national life, including the media and the arts.

In this regard, the Women’s Forum pays special tribute to the following persons:

For undaunted social activism in the face of State-led oppression: Donnette Simon and Shenel “Bonita” Williams of the Freedom Fighters for Antigua and Barbuda.

For increasing and advancing the participation of women in elective politics: Dr. Cleon Athill, Gladys Potter, and Pearl Quinn-Williams.

For fearless political activism aimed at bringing about national change: Joan McEwen.

For promotion of social consciousness and personal activism through the fine arts, specifically  spoken word/poetry: Dotsie Isaac.

For rebuilding a signature small business and regional tourism’s longest-running event, Shirley Heights Lookout, after it was decimated by the pandemic:  J.Valerie Hodge.

For reinforcing the human right to freedom of information, via social media, and for balanced national discussion of political and social issues, respectively: Dr.  Jacqui Quinn and Barbara Arrindell

For public relations and scientific and economic services to the agriculture sector, in particular the farmers of the Southwest Community: Erica Phillip and Oniecia Anthony.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Happy International Women’s day to all the Women of Antigua and Barbuda


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