Editorial Staff
05/05/23 12:34

Editorial Staff
05/05/23 12:34

Bus driver remains critical following accident on Sir Sydney Wallings Highway

Andy Edwards, the bus driver involved in an accident on the Sir Sydney Wallings Highway remains in a stable but serious condition at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center.

Andy Edwards, the bus driver involved in an accident on the Sir Sydney Wallings Highway remains in a stable but serious condition at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center. The popular bus driver suffered serious injuries to his legs and other parts of his body.

Another passenger was also seriously injured. The other passengers received minor injuries

Yesterday, eight residents were rushed to the hospital following a collision between a truck and his bus.

The truck driver was heading west when he lost control while overtaking and collided head-on with the bus, which was traveling in the opposite direction.

The head of the police’s traffic department Elson Quammie said police presence will be increased on that particular road to help reduce serious accidents

“The truck was traveling from East to West on the Sir Sydney Wallings Highway and was overtaking and in the process, the driver lost control and collided head-on with the bus which was travelling in the opposite direction,” he said


  1. Earlyn Huggins

    I wish him a speedy recovery and the passengers are speedy recovery also. I will probably pray for them put trust in god 🙏💯👍.

    • Anonymous

      Get well soon my friend I will keep you in my prayers

    • Anonymous

      Speedy recovery 🙏

  2. Anonymous

    I pray you have a speedy recovery Andy, i will keepbyou in my prayers🙏🙏🙏


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