According to reports from the police, Chester Hughes 49 of Paynter’s reported to the Parham Police Station that his black and silver 9mm Ruger firearm with a magazine of 17 rounds of ammunition was stolen from his vehicle
The incident happened sometime between 7 p.m. and 4 p.m. on Saturday.
He said he placed his firearm in the right driver’s door pocket of his Silver Subaru Legacy.
The report stated that at about 10:30 a.m. Hughes picked up someone and took him to his home to cut his yard.
He said when he arrived at his home, he locked his car, leaving the gun inside the car, and went to “get some sleep”
About 4:00 p.m. the man cutting his grass said he was leaving and someone was picking him up.
Hughes said he later went into his car and discovered that his gun was missing.
Efforts were made to contact the landscaper, who is believed to be a suspect but without success.
Police are investigating the matter.
Something smelling fishy bout dat
This is not the first time Chester Hughes’s firearm got missing. The government need to take away his firearm license until he can be more responsible. Doesn’t he realise that Antigua is changing before our very eyes.
When Chester’s gun goes missing, check the most obvious place where he’d most likely forget he hid his gun, da rear
Heaven Heaven Help MAN
Hughes Why! WHY Why! GuN
Maybe I Shedding Blame Smith & Wesson.
Carelessness in Ungodliness
More Comess More Chais. .Noo GPS