Editorial Staff
05/09/23 16:51

Editorial Staff
05/09/23 16:51

Keep Sick Children Home- Dr. Bell-Jarvis

The head of the Pediatric Department at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center Dr. Shivon Belle-Jarvis has been accepted into Harvard University.

A new school year has started and Head of Pediatrics at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre Dr. Shivon Belle-Jarvis is cautioning parents of sick children to keep them home to avoid getting other children sick.

In an interview on Tuesday, Dr., Bell-Jarvis said “What we recognize is that once children are congregating together as a natural part of their development, they are in each other’s personal space, and even when children are ill parents are still sending them to school so that’s a big no-no.”

“If your child is having fever, vomiting, diarrhea, a skin rash of which you are uncertain in terms of the cause, coughing, runny and stuffy nose, then we are asking that you keep your child at home,” she implored.

In addition to that issue, the Head of Pediatrics also highlighted another problem that schools face with parents.

“Please keep your phone on. Because sometimes the child may go to school well or might have just had a little runny nose, and you say ok, it’s nothing, and then the school calls to say came you pick up your child.”

“One of the problems that have been expressed from schools is that when you call the parents, they not answering,” she stated.

She says there are several ways that parents can keep their children’s immune system boosted, which includes hand washing which she says remains essential as an appropriate diet with fruits and vegetables.

“Getting appropriate sleep. Children should be getting no less than 10 hours of sleep per day. Lack of sleep diminishes your immune system, so we have to look at that, the Dr. advised.


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