Opposition Leader Jamal Pringle
‘Embracing the Legacy, Shaping the Future’.My fellow Citizens and Residents:
This year, Antigua and Barbuda celebrates its 42nd Anniversary of Political Independence under the theme ‘Embracing the Legacy, Shaping the Future’.
As we reminisce over the past four decades, let us remember those before us who fought for the legacies that we are now being asked to embrace. In this exercise, we must also remember how these people played instrumental roles in the formative years, Pre and Post Independence.
Forty-two years later, we must still embrace democracy as one of the pillars of our existence.
We must continue to hoist our flag and remain resolute that our ‘National Pride’ and ‘Love for Country’ still stand with high esteem.
The colours black, yellow, blue, white and red will forever have significant meaning in our everyday lives.
We may be small in size but we are big on the things that make us great.
The strength of our country depends on the strength of the people. And, we will forever hold our destiny in our hands.
It is ‘You, the People’ who placed your trust in us and it is you whom we must continue to serve.
So, as we move forward together, with hope for and anticipation of better days, let us make democracy our road to the future.
Blessings to everyone and blessings upon the Nation of Antigua and Barbuda