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Kentae Semper
By Zaya Williams
A heartfelt remembrance event is scheduled to pay tribute to the late Kentae Semper, affectionately known as “Rastaman Kentae,” who served as a committed Director at the Central Board of Health.
The community, along with friends and family, will gather on January 6, 2024, to honor his legacy, particularly in the Bendals community, where he left an indelible mark.
The candlelight vigil is set to commence at Town House Mega Store at 5:45 PM, with the crowd proceeding to Bendals around 6 PM.
During the solemn event, several individuals will share heartfelt anecdotes in honor of the popular talk show host.
The announcement was made by Keithroy Black, a former football administrator, who stressed the significance of recognizing figures like Kentae, who, beyond his contributions to public health, was an integral part of a football club.
The 61-year-old, discovered unresponsive in his Toyota RAV4 on December 2, faced a medical emergency while driving in Bendals. His brother, Pastor Fitzgerald Semper, fondly described him as compassionate yet direct.
Colleagues at the Central Board of Health acknowledged him as a fervent advocate for the well-being of the board’s employees.
The Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party also expressed condolences, with Prime Minister Gaston Browne hailing Semper as a true stalwart and friend, highlighting his contributions to promoting the party on his Pointe FM radio program.
As news of Semper’s untimely passing spread, friends and family took to social media to share their sadness, recalling their last interactions and fond memories.
Semper’s warm and affable personality, coupled with his unwavering dedication, left an enduring impact on those who knew him.