Editorial Staff
17/01/24 23:10

Editorial Staff
17/01/24 23:10

New road construction and repair techniques are to be introduced by the Works Ministry.

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During a recent Cabinet meeting, the Minister of Works, Maria Browne, shared some exciting news regarding innovative road construction and repair techniques that her ministry is currently exploring.

She revealed that a new method called “roller-compact-concrete-pavement” is being considered as the new standard for road building, which will replace the traditional asphalt roads that the country has grown accustomed to.

The Minister explained that the new pavement absorbs far less moisture than asphalt roads and is less likely to develop potholes, resulting in longer-lasting and more durable roads.

She further announced that her ministry will be implementing this new technology immediately, with work on community roads expected to commence shortly.

In addition to the road construction updates, the Cabinet was also briefed on the ongoing rehabilitation work at the Magistrate’s Court on High Street.

According to reports, the project is nearing completion and is expected to be ready for use by the end of January 2024, barring any unforeseen delays.

The Cabinet also discussed the completion of the seating stand at the Bolans Playing Field, which had previously been stalled due to a scarcity of building resources and other challenges.

The Cabinet agreed to prioritize the project and ensure that it is completed as soon as possible.


  1. Jezz

    It’s all good and well that there’ll be less absorbtion of water, however, you’d better implement a proper drainage system for the runoff!!!😏

    • Jane

      Hon. Maria Browne, you are too young to know that Antigua once had those types of road infrastructure back in the day. Those roads were constructed by the American government. The roads were mostly in Coolidge and the surrounding areas.

  2. Anonymous

    Another experiment failure to come. Get the Chinese to build the road, we are just waiting money and too late to further experiment with the people’s money. Look on tictoc and see the great work that the Chinese do on road constantly all over the world

  3. Teacher for Life

    Get the Cubans to build the roads. They definitely know how best to do it.

  4. Anonymous

    All this is good. What about the Boys training school? When will the repairs and renovation be completed. I use to see men going up there to work but everything stop just so. The young men are still in jail. Get some of the money that was used to complete ABICE. Come on. This is a shame.


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