Editorial Staff
27/02/24 09:33

Editorial Staff
27/02/24 09:33

Heart & Stroke Foundation’s 5th Annual Cardiac Symposium: 5 Years of Progress.

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The Heart and Stroke Foundation celebrated five years of unwavering commitment to promoting heart health with the 5th Annual Cardiac Symposium on February 25, 2024.

This event marked a significant milestone in the Foundation’s journey towards societal advancement in heart health. Dr. Georgette Meade, the President and Consultant Cardiologist of the Foundation, expressed joy and pride in the progress made over the past five years.

Dr. Meade acknowledged that although significant strides have been made, there are still areas where society needs to improve.

The growing attendance each year of the symposium was seen as a positive trend, with participants expressing satisfaction with the topics covered and the expertise of the speakers.

The Foundation aims to build upon this enthusiasm and continually engage with the community. In this regard, the Foundation seeks input from participants by conducting surveys to identify topics of great interest.

The initial goal of the symposium was to raise awareness about the vital role of the heart in the body.

Dr. Meade reflected on the positive shift in societal awareness that has taken place over the past five years. More individuals are embracing healthier lifestyles, monitoring their diet, and becoming proactive in understanding stroke symptoms.

Dr. Meade acknowledged the positive impact even on the younger generation, as children are becoming more vocal about healthy choices.

Despite the progress made, Dr. Meade expressed deep concern about the underestimation of hypertension and its silent nature, which can cause severe health issues.

She emphasized the importance of checking blood pressure and monitoring it regularly, as hypertension is the number one cause of hemorrhagic stroke, which is a bleeding type of stroke.

Hypertension can also cause enlargement of the heart and kidney failure, which can be life-threatening.

The Heart and Stroke Foundation expressed sincere appreciation to its sponsors, including A.S. Bryden & Sons | Novartis, Sagicor Life Inc., Antigua & Barbuda Medical Council, Medical Benefits Scheme, Servier, OmniCare Pharmacy, Falmouth Harbour Marina, Cool & Smooth, and West Indies Oil Company.

The 5th Annual Cardiac Symposium stands as a testament to the Foundation’s progress and ongoing commitment to empowering individuals with useful information for a heart-healthy lifestyle.


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