Editorial Staff
04/06/24 19:44

Editorial Staff
04/06/24 19:44

Foreign Affairs Minister proposes national awards for Ambassador Webson and AUA

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Antigua and Barbuda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs the Hon. EP Chet Greene is suggesting national awards be conferred on Antigua and Barbuda’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Walton Webson and to the American University of Antigua for the pivotal roles they both played in ensuring the country’s name was firmly and proudly etched in history as hosts of the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States, SIDS4.

Minister Greene made the announcement this morning during a personal visit to the AUA campus to congratulate the members of the team for their tireless and dedicated efforts in meeting the unprecedented logistical challenges that a conference of this magnitude placed on the limited resources of Antigua and Barbuda.

“I said it publicly and now I am saying it again in your presence that I will be recommending two national awards for November (Antigua and Barbuda’s Independence) one to your good self, Ambassador, and the other to AUA, as the institutional or corporate award for Independence,” Minister Greene declared to the sound of applause from the room of team members who helped to coordinate the SIDS4 Conference.

Minister Greene was also full of praise for the entire national coordinating team for the seriousness and commitment they applied to their respective responsibilities in helping to create an environment for discussions crucial to the future survival of island nations across the globe to take place.

“I do believe that this endeavour can go down easily as the single largest project that has ever been undertaken by a group of Antiguans and Barbudans in this country. This entire experience has set the stage for future meetings and as you would have heard, Prime Minister Browne has written to the Commonwealth indicating his desire to host the Commonwealth Heads meeting,” Minister Greene stated.

“Should we be successful, I would be bold enough to say this would be the team that would the form the core of the organisation of such a meeting,” the Foreign Affairs Minister affirmed.

In a further expression of gratitude, Minister Greene revealed that he is planning to hold a special reception for all the volunteers and other key players who shared their time and talents to the benefit of the successful execution of the conference.

He noted that their contributions will be counted in the lasting legacy that arose from the robust discussions during the conference and have accounted for the successful implementation of the groundbreaking Antigua and Barbuda Accord for SIDS (ABAS).


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