Editorial Staff
09/09/24 17:39

Editorial Staff
09/09/24 17:39

Prison guard accused in inmate’s death detained while attempting to leave country

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Dwight Peters, the prison guard accused of body-slamming inmate Ricknaldo Isaac, which caused injuries leading to his death, has been detained by law enforcement officers.

He was allegedly attempting to leave the country Monday and is currently being held for questioning by St. John’s police.

Isaac, who was serving a one-year sentence at His Majesty’s Prison for malicious damage, died at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre in May.

He had been hospitalized for nearly two weeks after being left paralyzed following an alleged altercation with the guard, during which he sustained spinal injuries.

The death certificate for the 27-year-old cited pulmonary embolism due to quadriplegia as the cause.

It remains unclear as to what precipitated the brawl, but according to the deceased’s father, Aaron Isaac, his son had no conflict with other inmates. Isaac was laid to rest on September 5 after a funeral paid for by the state.

Peters was reportedly traveling with his football team and was prevented from leaving the island.

He has not been charged and his attorney Wayne Benjamin Marsh said the police had no right to prevent his client from leaving the island.

He has no criminal record and has not been charged for any crime.


  1. Antiguan

    The guy was going away with the national male netball team

  2. I hate abs rass hole are you too fucking lie

    All you too fucking lie nothing like that go all u thinking muda scunt The man get time off to go represent the country in a ball game and this is the fucking explaining you all can give in all u liars rass hole all should get sue. All u too lie are you never fucking charge him me na see nothing he was charge for murder if so why the fuck he till have his documents and we the national side are very upset and mad cause he got his permission from work to go and play in st Kitts how the fuck he caught fleeing with are whole national team and a carrying bag with his uniforms and clothes

    • Mad person

      You all need to get all facts straight before posting shit if u all was in America you will get sued and stop posting shit and tarnish people name

      • Harris

        But on the other hand, if he shouldn’t be leaving the country why are all his travel documents in his possession??

  3. Faithful national

    ABS? Maybe I missed it but I didn’t hear this on ABS. From the news portal, Antigua News I gathered that the young prison guard was detained by law enforcement. Fact. The young man in question was indeed attempting to leave the State. Fact. The young man in question is being questioned by Police. Fact. None of these actions are unusual under the circumstances. Rather than spew your filthy language in everybody’s face, why not invite intelligent discussion? Has the young man in question been formally charged by the relevant authorities?If not, did the authorities overstep their bounds? What suggestions do you have for the father of the deceased, the detained prison guard, the authorities. Sick and tired of these foul-mouthed thugs who constantly pollute the atmosphere just to make a point. As for Mad person, if we were living in America the prison guard might have been dead by now.

    • Jezz

      Well said!!!

  4. Real talk

    Whether he was going to.play a game overseas or get married or go on a cruise. Point is he was prevented from leaving the island. ABS was he allowed to leave? NOOOO. So what the heck. Whether he was charged or not they prevented him from catching that flight. Now the issue must be taken up with immigration department and the police…not the media

    • Jezz

      On point!👍

  5. Chps

    He is not allowed to leave the country where he going ??

  6. Anonymous

    Bunch off stupidness he got permission where is the letter why was he arrested so many questions

  7. Sherry

    What has poor ABS got to do with all this

  8. Jezebel

    I’ve seen some very pointless comments, I mean even if he wasn’t charge they have a right to prevent him from leaving the country and a right to detain him! He’s responsible for the death of someone. Why is it that news room is being cursed about this? They are only saying the information they recieved

    • Henry

      There’s so many questions to one story! I mean, why is he not charged? On other hands a regular civilian would’ve already been arrested, possibly charge n out of a job. Why the same doesn’t apply for the prison guard? I mean at the end of today we are all humans n wrong is wrong


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