Editorial Staff
11/09/24 12:26

Editorial Staff
11/09/24 12:26

Damian Crump Arrested and Charged for Gun Crimes

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Damian Crump




Police arrested and charged Damian Crump of Bathlodge on several firearm-related offences on Wednesday.

He is charged with Shooting With Intent, Possession of a Firearm, Possession of Ammunition, and Malicious Damage.

The accused allegedly shot at a taxi driver in Yorks on September 6, and caused damage to his vehicle.

He was asked to surrender himself for questioning, which he did. He is due to appear before the Court on Thursday.


  1. Theodore

    Always nice to hear that these criminals are meeting their fate

  2. Genevieve

    Wow. So young and so lost. It’s just sad in todays world

  3. Faithful national #1

    Hope that this punk receive a lengthy prison sentence. The fact that this incident allegedly happened only a few days ago clearly shows that he intends to commit crime no matter what Lock him up and throw away the key.

  4. Cheryl

    Our young ladies will have a very hard time getting good husbands with the kind of rogues who are available. We may have to ship them abroad to find good men. Tell me how this young handsome boy found himself in a life like that? Guns, gangs, bleach up skin. black lips. Sickening

  5. Ana

    We need to fix this country ASAP!


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