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Clare Hall Secondary School
By Kieron Murdoch | Opinion Contributor
By now the world is accustomed to witnessing gruesome headlines emanating from the United States (US) about shootings and gun-related incidents happening on school compounds, creating tragedy and igniting a furore over gun policy in that country. As gut wrenching as these incidents often are, we tend to take comfort in the fact that we have never experienced a similar level of gun-related threats or violence in and around our schools.
It was startling therefore when it was reported that a student, just 14-years-old, was discovered to be in possession of a firearm on the premises of the Clare Hall Secondary School on Friday, September 27th, 2024, requiring the police to be summoned and that a search be conducted. We shudder to imagine the shock and worry experienced by students, teachers, parents, and all staff and leaders at the school in the scenario.
Imagine being a child, minding your lessons, and then being told that officers are trying to locate a firearm on the school grounds. Imagine being a parent at work reading such a headline while your child is still at school. You’d be forgiven for going into a panic. Imagine being a principal, having to take responsibility for the daily safety of students at an institution, and being made aware that a student is carrying a firearm on the compound. Imagine being a teacher, asking yourself if you are in danger of being grievously harmed or worse simply from coming to school to do your job.
Needless to say, neither our students, their parents, our teachers, our school administrators, or anyone else, should have to go about their day worrying about whether they may be the victim of grievous or deadly gun violence on a school compound. And while we still feel confident in saying that this sort of incident is an anomaly and not the norm, and not part of the cultural landscape of Antigua and Barbuda, this incident is perhaps yet another indication of how trying times have become.
Safety has become a major issue in the context of violence and threatening or dangerous actions impacting those at school. We cannot forget the incident at the YMCA back in February thi year which sent the students of the Ottos Comprehensive School – who were enjoying their sports day – into a panic when what appeared to be gunshots rang out in the vicinity. The police ultimately arrested three suspects. We are not sure what became of it though.
As regards the current incident at the Clare Hall Secondary School, it is important that following the investigation being done by the police and the inquiries being made by the Ministry of Education, that there be full public transparency on the circumstances that led to this incident occurring. Reports are circulating about how the student may or may not have gotten the firearm, whose firearm it may have been, whether it belonged to an adult relative, and whether that relative is in law enforcement.
Speculation, reports, and snippets of information will continue to circulate until there is full transparency. We know that the authorities require adequate time to gather information. But after this process is sufficiently complete, there ought to be a clear and fulsome public statement from the Ministry and or the police detailing the circumstances which led to a firearm being on the school grounds. A press conference, even if virtual, may also be warranted. It may be advantageous for the Education Minister to lead the next post-Cabinet press briefing in order to address concerns there.
Where did the student get the firearm? Was it a legally owned weapon? What reasons did the student give as to why they decided to bring it to school? Was it to show off? Or has there been any indication that the student intended to do harm to anyone? What action will be taken in regards to ensuring the safety of all persons on school compounds and preventing such a thing from occuring again? These are the questions which parents, teachers and all concerned with education are likely asking, and they, as well as the public at large, are entitled to have answers.
Until then, we do not entirely know what to make of this incident. Do we look at it as a one off bizarre occurrence caused by reckless storage of a firearm, inappropriate juvenile access to the weapon, and a desire by a young person to show off a gun at school to their friends, not fully appreciating the mortal danger they placed themselves and everyone on the school compound in? Or is it to be viewed in more dire terms, as an act intended to intimidate, threaten or do harm to some at school or otherwise?
We would like to believe it was the latter and to take comfort in the fact that despite the serious incidents of violence which have unfortunately happened too often, either at schools or in relation to school students off the compound, we are not yet at the stage where anyone has to live in fear of gruesome headlines announcing shootings at any of our places of education. But until we have clear answers, we simply do not know.
About the writer:
Kieron Murdoch worked as a journalist and later as a radio presenter in Antigua and Barbuda for eight years, covering politics and governance especially. He is an opinion contributor at If you have an opinion on the issues raised in this editorial and you would like to submit a response by email to be considered for publication, please email
How can parents send their parents to school knowing these are the stuff that are happening?
Let us pray for our children.
Aparte from the already known, well aired concerns of the general public, KM, our ‘distinguished’ journalist failed to address what should really be our #1 fear did not receive a single sentence in this rambling. Sure, everybody loves a piece of melee. Is the alleged offender a close relative of a police officer? Was the weapon in question the property of the alleged police officer, or the property of the Government. Was this another staged event in light of the Government’s much applauded efforts to normalize living conditions here by attempting to deal with the growing threat of gang violence especially among our school age youth and the prevalence of illegal weapons among us? Was the situation last Friday a staged attempt to throw water on the initiatives and efforts of the government by idle, mischievous criminal-minded adults? With all the chattering and yapping, I was hoping that this erudite contributor would have been able to report whether or not the alleged weapon was ever retrieved. If, in fact, the alleged weapon has yet to be located, that revelation could open a can of worms and should scare us all to hell!
Same things came across my mind as well
Why would there be new facts reported in an editorial? This wasn’t a news article.
Faithful national, I look out for these comebacks from you every time i read these editorials. Your comebacks are amusing. You really have it out for this writer. You personally attack the author on each round.
Parents sit down and talk with your kids
they need to have a talk and have a close eye on these kids
these parents need to keep a close eye on there kids