Editorial Staff
10/10/24 05:45

Editorial Staff
10/10/24 05:45

Case Challenging BIA Set for November 4th

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Case Challenging BIA Set for November 4th

Justice Jan Drysdale will review the trial for the development of the Barbuda International Airport on November 4th, 2024.

Earlier this year, the London-based Privy Council, Antigua and Barbuda’s final court, granted two Barbudans, John Mussington and Jacklyn Frank, the opportunity to challenge the Development Control Authority (DCA), the Antigua and Barbuda Airport Authority, and the Attorney General in court.

This decision follows a series of legal challenges and injunctions that delayed the case.

The duo will ask the local court to review the DCA’s actions and issue an order.

The Barbudans will be represented by King’s Counsel Leslie Thomas via Zoom, who is from the Garden Courts Chambers in the UK and represented Mussington and Frank at the Privy Council.

Mussington and Frank claim that with support from other government bodies, the DCA violated legal protocols when it approved the construction of an international runway on Barbuda, funded by the government’s development partner, Peace Love and Happiness (PLH).

Despite the government lawyers’ arguments that the case was no longer relevant because the airstrip and terminal had already been completed, the Privy Council ruled that the legal challenge was still valid.


  1. Faithful national #1

    A most interesting case brought by people (for want of a better term) who only represent
    BACKWARDNESS forever
    POVERTY as a weapon of control
    MAYHEM a daily dietary staple

  2. Lisa

    Right is right and wrong is wrong.
    The sand mining in Barbuda destroyed that island . Do we wish to destroy it further ? Have we not learned anything from the passage of Hurricane Irma?
    Leave Mother Nature alone!
    The Environmental Act is there for a reason and it should be followed.

  3. AAB

    Mr. Editor,

    Life becomes very treacherous when we Choose, in Our Ignorance,To IGNORE Mother Nature!!!!

    When We Don’t LISTEN And take the Necessary Precautions Based On The TRUTH of Situations, THE PRICE will be paid by US and Our FUTURE Generations……..

    …….. Our Leaders/Administrators in Government’s Departments May need to Thoroughly Search Their Consciences to Ask Themselves And The Almighty God:

    1. “Did I act as You (Almighty God) would have me do in the actions I took against Mother Nature AND The People of BARBUDA in Light of THEIR Rights to the Lands of Barbuda owned by The Community since the End Of “CHATTEL” Slavery in Antigua and Barbuda ……. ????

    2. “Did I act as You (Almighty God) would have me do in Destroying The Natural Environment, And Putting the Island of Barbuda and It’s inhabitants at Risk in the steps I am taking in Ignoring the NECESSARY Steps Needed before making Decisions that Affects the Present Livelihood of the Local Inhabitants of Barbuda by excluding them from areas of their COMMUNITY Held Progeny where for CENTURIES They have had the RIGHT to Traverse in Search of Food, Enjoying Their Beaches, Doing their Farming, Etc…..???”

    3. Did I act as You (Almighty God) would have me do in IGNORING Areas the Existing Laws in “The Antigua and Barbuda Constitution Order 1981” related to the Local Government (Chapter X) Miscellaneous— Paragraph 123?

    A lot of what is taking place in Barbuda is Not only ILLEGAL ……. It is Demonstrative of the Psychological Effects of the WORST Type of Slavery ever Perpetrated on Mankind …… INSTEAD of Providing US (The Descendants of the Chattel Enslaved) with the NECESSARY REPARATIONS for the HARM DONE TO US — into perpetuity— Our Administrators are siding with the Descendants of Our Enslavers to take from US (read BARDUDANS) what is OURS by HERITAGE!!!!! Our ANCESTORS Blood, Sweat and Tears BOUGHT This LAND for Us!!!!!
    And NOW Our Black Leaders have COLLUDED With the White (if you can see this colour in the skin of Our Enslavers Descendants) Stealers to HUFF out Land and GIVE it to them ……
    However ….. GOD IS IN CONTROL…..


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