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Bishop Charlesworth Browne
Dear Editor,
On July 7, 2022, a group of Christian critical thinkers met for a common mind on the delicate and disturbing matter of abortion, which was gaining new traction in the public space.
This perspicacious group of Christian critical thinkers, under the banner of KINGDOM LEADERS in the heart of the COVID 19 “Pandemic”, marshalled the cause against the “Vaccine Mandate” which was mercilessly thrusted upon our people in at time of greatest uncertainty and vulnerability.
They blazed a trail of calculated resistance and prevailed. It was on the heels of this epoch-making encounter that every Spirit led member of this body, met and ratified a posture strongly opposing any elective abortion for personal or social convenience, convinced that such is contrary to the will and the commandments of our God.
The body therefore was unflinching in its decision that any facilitation of or support for this kind of abortion is categorically abhorrent, deviant and sinful.
To date, we remain unambiguously decisive under every circumstance that Kingdom Leaders – Antigua and Barbuda Categorically Rejects Abortion As A Means Of Birth Control, Family Planning, Sex Selection Or Any Reason Of Mere Choice Or Convenience.
I continue here to elucidate, bearing out my personal convictions confident that this would play a vital part in any challenge at any time to the sacredness of current provisions in the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda. The notion that abortion is a human right is untenable from any angle.
Abortion may be a human DESIRE, a strong wish to ‘trow way de pickney’, and perhaps even an understandable desire in cases of rape or incest. However, to claim that it is a woman’s right is to go beyond the boundaries of common sense.
Emotional arguments can be presented as to why a womb should be turned into a tomb, but the supreme law of a country – its Constitution – is founded on reason, not emotion.
A human right is the entitlement of every human being to all the freedoms and privileges of being human. It is the inherent dignity of every single human being, regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, religion, age, or any other distinguishing feature.
Abortion is NOT a human right and pro-choice can NEVER make it right. In fact, it is contrary to a fundamental human right: the right to life.
It jars against Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” The claim that abortion is a human right is one that is devoid of both reason and conscience.
A woman may want to end the life of the child within her for several reasons. She may have become pregnant through rape by a total stranger, a friend or family member, or may have been subject to non-consensual sex with her partner or husband.
Such cases are heart wrenching and call for compassion. It cannot be easy to go through a pregnancy day after day, plagued with memories, feeling violated, and rejecting the growing child that is now part of your personal space. It becomes worse if the pregnancy interrupts education, employment, family life or relationships.
Such cases call for strong social, emotional, financial, and practical support that would allow the pregnant mother to carry and later give birth to the life within her. It requires a village effort from caring persons who would offer a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on and helping hands whenever needed.
The church, a crisis pregnancy center, an adoption agency, counselling services, can all help to mitigate the situation and intervene meaningfully to ensure the wellbeing of the mother and the life of the child. It would be instructive to compare the number of abortions that are the result of rape or misfortune with abortions that are requested simply because of irresponsible sex.
If a woman does not want to get pregnant, is it unreasonable to expect her to use a suitable contraceptive method with a regular partner, or to avoid casual sex, 1-night stands and sex for favours? If she thinks that her regular partner is not father material, or that her position in life regarding education, career, finances, emotions, or any other thing, would make pregnancy a bad idea, why not choose safe sex?
Rather than providing anecdotal evidence to support their claims, those who have brought a constitutional challenge to the nation’s abortion laws need to act responsibly.
They need to present solid scientific facts and grounded research statistics to show why the State of Antigua and Barbuda or the Republic of Dominica should unravel their moral fabric and change laws – at best – to accommodate irresponsible sexual behaviour or – at worst – to facilitate murder of innocent, unborn human beings.
Doctors, hurting, ambitious or ‘liberated’women, activists, journalists, politicians, Tom, Dick and Harry, Mary, Jane, and Sue, may rationalize the issue of abortion. Skilled lawyers may argue successfully that it is a woman’s right and judges may concur.
But making it legal can never make it right. The Judge of all the earth, in whom I implicitly trust, still stamps it: WRONG.
“He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come Lord Jesus!” (Revelations 22:20)
Most sincerely,
Charlesworth Evanstan Browne
Kingdom Leaders Senior Pastor
Bishop of the Christian Ministries Center and the Global Ecclesia
I am glad to see this article makes reference to the gentleman’s PERSONAL OPINION … meaning, it is NOT the opinion of all people and should not be taken as so.
Abortion is a human right … no person has the right to dictate to another person what to do with their own body … additionally, not all people are governed by the BIBLE … I believe that is why God gave people freedom of will to make their own choices?
Energy would be better directed towards the many atrocities going on in the world already – the poverty injustice and lack of opportunity … the trafficking and abuse of existing children.
1) Firstly, I commend Bishop Charlesworth. E. Browne, for sensitizing readers with such an outstanding article.
2) The blogger “Cat” who made the first comment, should get acquainted with the definition of the term, ” Human Rights “, and thereafter revisit his/her comments!
3) For the avoidance of doubts, Bishop Charlesworth. E. Browne’s article is not dictating to individuals. Conversely, he is enjoying his (entrenched) fundamental Constitutional and Human Rights of “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION”!
I am very aware of the definition and what it means and that of course it comes down to interpretation as to how it is applied.
You can believe in what you wish and you have that human right to decide what those beliefs are … as do I.
But non of us has the right to blankly determine what is the correct course of action for others based purely on own personal belief as to do so we are saying another persons view, experience, feelings, etc do not matter.
U am also enjoying my freedom of expression so good to see we are on the same page in this regard.
I am also very aware of the definition and what it means and that of course it comes down to interpretation as to how it is applied.
You can believe in what you wish and you have that human right to decide what those beliefs are … as do I.
But non of us has the right to blankly determine what is the correct course of action for others based purely on own personal belief as to do so we are saying another persons view, experience, feelings, etc do not matter.