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Brittany Jno-Baptiste
In a pivotal moment during her ongoing trial, Brittany Jno-Baptiste, 24, admitted to murdering Wendy Jane Finch, 66, on October 4, 2021, while acknowledging her deteriorating mental state at the time of the incident.
Testifying from the defendant’s dock, Jno-Baptiste offered an account of the events leading to Finch’s death.
She explained that on the night of the murder, she had been experiencing significant psychological distress, including hallucinations.
Diagnosed in 2022 with cannabis-use disorder and cannabis-induced psychotic disorder, she described herself as “seeing plenty ghosts and jumbie” and admitted to police that she “was not in her right head” when the killing occurred.
The sequence of events began with Jno-Baptiste seeking a ride, during which she claimed a taxi driver propositioned her for sex—an allegation the driver denied.
After allegedly parting ways with the driver, she encountered Finch at her home and requested to use a phone. When Finch refused, Jno-Baptiste initially left but subsequently returned through an unlocked gallery door.
In a moment of apparent psychological breakdown, Jno-Baptiste used pliers found in Finch’s living room to inflict fatal injuries.
Pathologist Dr. Lester Simon testified to the extreme violence of the attack, describing extensive lacerations and a skull fracture that exposed brain matter—injuries requiring “tremendous force.”
During her testimony, Jno-Baptiste expressed profound remorse, apologizing to Finch’s family and her own parents.
The lady has mental issues and it’s clear. I mean come on. Why was she even put to stand trial. Miss you need to be warded. Mental health is a sickness. It needs to be treated not humiliated and put on trial
It’s clear that the taxi driver did not make the right decision after relaxing her vulnerable state alledgley tried to exploit her and not called the police or relatives immediately to help her and its also clear that more young people with that kind of diagnosis and undiagnosed individuals are walking our streets untreated noncompliance of medications and posed a problem for our citizens the abuse of cannabis is happening in our Country and we must do something about it
Yes I, say no to drugs.
she’s sick . may the Lord bless her soul
Now we can see she’s mentally ill. Yet she stand trial. It’s almost crazy to me. If yall are locking her away, let that be in a mental home.
Hope the young children reading this. Cause yall take drug use as a joke. Stay laughing, just nah kill nobody
They need to ban alcohol and cigarettes
Marijuana is not a drug and an individual cannot be addicted to it as it has no addictive properties; however, it must be said that each individual who consumes the substance WILL have different physical and psychological effects, whether consumption is in the form of ingestion or inhalation. Some individuals simply can’t handle it. Yes we want to take care of the county’s citizens, especially the youth, but we must first educate ourselves
Mental issues?? The gallows can fix that.