Editorial Staff
17/02/25 05:00

Editorial Staff
17/02/25 05:00

Branch elections; the rebirth of the ABLP

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PM Browne at ABLP St John’s City West constituency branch elections (file photo)

Leader of the Antigua Barbuda Labour Party Prime Minister Gaston Browne has described the turnout at the recently held ABLP St John’s City West constituency branch elections as a rebirth of the political organization.

Over 200 people voted in that election, a first for the branch which elected Randy Jarvis as Chairman.

“What I’m seeing here is actually a renaissance taking place within the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party. The young people are coming out in their numbers. They’re taking ownership, even at the level of the constituency,” Browne said.

“In fact, what we’ve noticed with these constituency branch elections is that they are driven from the ground up. So, it’s not necessarily the candidates or the caretakers or the representatives who are driving the process. The people are getting involved, and this really augurs well for continuity within the organization,” he adds.

The Member of Parliament for City West says this new resurgence is the first he has witnessed in his political career.

“I’ve been in this game now for 26 years, and at no point we’ve ever had this type of vibrancy in which we’ve had hundreds of people participating in these branch elections. In fact, generally speaking, you’ll have probably 20, 30 people getting together, selecting or electing branch members,” he commented.


  1. Observing

    Vibrancy we like. Does this mean you will call a snap elections?

  2. Juju Bee

    He may be on to something because I passed down there and was wondering if I miss something.
    Even in all that rain there was no room for parking.
    Good stuff

  3. Antigua Surf

    Everyday shows how you Gaston ready to call election. But I feel at this point Antigua don’t need an election cause upp can’t do anything. I don’t like ABLP and I hate UPP. But anywho, let’s see what’s up ya sleeve Sir




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