Editorial Staff
13/03/25 20:54

Editorial Staff
13/03/25 20:54

Uniform and Bag Linked to Missing 9-Year-Old Chantel Crump Allegedly Found at Suspect’s Home

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A uniform matching the description of the missing 9-year-old Chantel Crump has been allegedly found at the home of one of the suspects in the case. Sources say her knapsack was also found.

According to reports, the clothing was discovered when police were draining a cistern on the premises in Glanvilles earlier today. Antigua News will continue to update you.

Little Crump was abducted on Wednesday afternoon as she was walking home from school. Reports from her classmates suggest that she entered a gray car, which is currently in police custody along with the driver and owner of the vehicle.

There have been no sightings of the child since her disappearance.


  1. Curious

    This is unbelievable a woman who can be a mother to a child is involved in such wickedness and she’s saying she drop the child home so what is the uniform and bag doing on yall property

    • Anonymous

      Can someone let the public know these people are we need to know them

    • Stone

      A who dem be a wey dem picture.. please please please??? Wicked set a people

      • Truth teller

        They have not been charged with anything YET.

  2. Juju Bee

    So if that is indeed her uniform what does she have on then?
    I don’t even want to say what it is I really want to say cause Antigua news might block me.
    Vigilante justice I say

    • Woodpecker

      I totally agree

    • Ibrahim traore

      I agree with you juju bee

  3. Luka Johnson

    Wow, what did that criminal do to the girl?

  4. Keeping it real 💯

    So if they said they took the child to KFC. And brought her back home. How is it that the clothing and the backpack is at the suspect home? Did they brought her back home naked?

    • Vicky

      I hope this allegedly means you not sure. Because this little baby is so small. What could they have possibly done with her? She’s a kid.

    • Unruly One

      Hang him by his balls. What the MC he do with the ppl child. Don’t let him out of your sight.

  5. Woodpecker

    These people need to be beaten badly and jailed for life

    • Barbecuemi say 'Haitian bloodline

      What jail nonsense them electricity chair


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