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Michael Joseph
We will not give up and we will not relent. Yesterday didn’t turn out with the result we wanted but we are closer to finding Chantel.
Let’s continue to share as much information as we can with the Police to help them to help Chantel and her family.
With consent of the parents of Chantel, I am offering $5000 (thanks to the individuals that contributed) as a reward for any information leading to the safe return of Chantel. Information can be shared with:
Criminal Investigations Department- 462-3913/14
Grays Farm Police Station- 462-0481
Van the government match that to increase the reward amount. That my be more appealing to the public
This I don’t understand if too persons are in custody and they were the person last seen with that baby girl why is it she still not found whether alive or dead? What is really happening here? Are they not the individuals? Offers do everything in your power for those suspect to talk.
Uniform n bag found so where is that baby girl? Bring in scotland yard detectives from jamaica and barbados to interrogate those those two individuals until they Cough up the where about of the baby girl
Dear Antigua.News,
To whatever admin reading this, you know how they say God can show things in your dreams?? here’s mine. I want the police to search every water can or every place that deals with water or something like that. I had a dream last night that my sister woke me from my sleep saying they found the young child. She showed me the article published by this very same news outlet (Antigua News 3). Now what this young lady was found in was one of those things like what west indies oil put the gasoline in, if you ever drive along the back of west indies oil and see the big tanks or whatever they are called. it also went on to saying that she was found near some Caribe something…. or something Caribe. URGING TO OFFICERS TO GO AND SEARCH NEAR ANY WORKPLACE THAT DEALS WITH CARIBE OR WATER. I also think theres one of these tanks near potworks dam…. PLEASE FIND THIS BABY. Antigua.News, please publish my comment.