Editorial Staff
13/03/25 18:55

Editorial Staff
13/03/25 18:55

WATCH: Police Drain Cistern at Suspect’s Residence Amid Ongoing Search for Missing Girl

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The police are currently emptying the cistern at the home of one of the suspects in the disappearance of nine-year-old Chantel Crump, who was abducted yesterday on her way home from school

The male suspect lives in Glanvilles.


  1. Anonymous

    Police a work love it

  2. Boss lady

    Good job officers..👏 👏

  3. Frank

    Keep working keep pushing. Let us get this sucker’s out there!

  4. Sherian JnoBaptiste

    Antigua.news what was found in that cistern? We waiting up to know. We not sleeping tonight. ComeThrough ComeThrough

  5. June gilgeeours

    Thank for the effort the officers makes

  6. Juju Bee

    Incidents like this make me fully support vigilante justice cause this is damn stupidness now

  7. Luka Johnson

    They must find her quickly, the family is desperate and panicking.

  8. Unruly One

    They should name who the person is along with their pictures. He too wicked

  9. Stone

    Thanking the officers and Antigua News.. let’s win this one

  10. Faithful National #1

    I will reserve my commendation for the Police until after they produce the child in question. They claim that they have the vehicle, the owner and the driver in custody. The driver, a woman, has allegedly confessed to abducting the child. Allegedly, they have found :what appears” to be the clothing the child was wearing at the time of her abduction along with her knapsack. Well if the uniform found cannot be proved to be that of the missing child, then certainly her knapsack should give some idea as to the identity of its owner. I’m expecting to hear of serious charges filed against the owner of the vehicle and of his female accomplice by tomorrow morning

  11. Concerned Diasporan

    Let us pray, that without torture, the perpetrators will disclose what they have done to that poor little girl, so that the law can take its course.

    Vigilantism and mob justice is not the way to resolve these matters

    Please commence with praying without ceasing for the whole family. Send her picture to your WhatsApp group and friends and let’s get the Lord on this matter!
    The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man, availeth much. Amen

    What happens to the water the police are draining from the cistern? I hope they are not throwing it away, during this period of water scarcity?

  12. Concern parent

    I will support the effort the police officers are making and applaud the community to cooperate in this situation.
    But we wanted justice to be served . For little Chantel crump and her family.
    Both ot them are grown adults


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