Editorial Staff
09/05/24 06:22

Editorial Staff
09/05/24 06:22

Information Minister Urges Workers to Challenge Unions Over Fair Wages

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Information Minister Melford Nicholas (Social media photo)

By Aabigayle McIntosh

Information Minister Melford Nicholas is encouraging employees to challenge their union to achieve what they demand.

He points out that there is a level of unwillingness to challenge hoteliers who are not paying liveable wages and believes the union has a role to play.

“Stop blaming others for the position that you are in life. hold yourself accountable, and stand up for yourself and your interests. Change your conversation with your union and show them it is not enough,” Nicholas said.

His comments follow simple assertions by Prime Minister Gaston Browne that leaders of the Antigua and Barbuda Workers Union are taking money on the side from hoteliers and are therefore compromised in agitating for hotel employees to be paid better wages

The union issued a release Wednesday to respond to the prime minister’s blistering broadside.

The trade union body condemned what it says are the prime minister’s unsubstantiated accusations, calling them mischievous tactics designed to undermine the confidence of workers in their union.

“These accusations are nothing more than mischievous tactics designed to undermine the confidence of workers in their Union. Our membership recognize these comments for what they really are: a deflection from the failed social and economic policies of the Gaston Browne Administration”, the release said.

The ABWU also points to what it calls important benefits won by hotel workers through its representation, including a thrift fund as well as medical insurance.

1 Comment

  1. Josey

    The Unions cannot force the hoteliers to pay what they don’t want to pay. Yes, you can negotiate with them but it’s still come down to what the hoteliers are willing to pay in salaries and wages. All the hotels are operated and owned by foreign investors. These investors are here for cheaper labourers and concessions from the government in office. Yes, I agree that hotel employees need better salaries and wages


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