Shermain Bique-Charles
04/10/22 21:10

Shermain Bique-Charles
04/10/22 21:10

Emerald Sakara and Azzurra to Homeport in Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda’s Cruise ports are continuing to benefit from homeporting, with the latest confirmation from Emerald Cruises that in 2023, it will homeport in the twin island state.

Emerald Azzurra, the luxury yacht owned by Switzerland-based Emerald Cruises will begin conducting full turnaround calls at St. John’s in November, according to the General Manager of the Antigua Cruise Port Dona Regis-Prosper.

Emerald Sakara will also begin transit calls on both Antigua and calls at Barbuda in January 2024, according to Prosper.

“Serving as a homeport has been one of our main strategic objectives since we began managing Antigua Cruise Port in 2019, so naturally, we are extremely excited about this partnership. For us, taking this leap with Emerald Cruises makes it that much more satisfying, since our tourism product offering pairs well with the desires of luxury yacht clientele. This partnership has been two years in the making, so we are grateful to them for their willingness to work with us to try something new. This collaboration gives Antigua & Barbuda a huge advantage when promoting our destination as a luxury cruise partner,” Prosper said.

She explained that in recent years, they have worked very closely with the Antigua & Barbuda Tourism Authority to strategically promote the country as the Caribbean luxury destination of choice.

“To this end, we have meticulously coordinated every element of the homeporting experience, from provisioning to hotel partnerships, to airport movements and transfers. We will give passengers a seamless and enjoyable experience from start to finish,” she added.

Meantime Regis-Prosper said Barbuda, specifically, is developing into a key destination for the “eco luxe” sector, “so these passengers will experience new tours and activities that combine the best of both worlds – an appreciation of the finer things while embracing our shared love of our planet. What could be better?”


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