Editorial Staff
11/11/22 14:55

Editorial Staff
11/11/22 14:55

Jamaican man arrested for allegedly killing his wife

A man in Jamaica is in police custody after the partially decomposed body of his wife was discovered at his home. The corpse according to lawmen in Kingston had multiple stab wounds.

The husband’s name is Santoy Green and he is suspected to have killed Judeen Smith-Greyson. He turned himself in this week

Yaneek Smith-Finnikin believes that if her sister Judeen had taken heed to warnings about her husband, she would still be alive today.

She said her sister met her husband on a dating site in December and by February they were married. She said she tried to talk to her sister about the man but she refused to listen.

“She even went as far as fi ask mi say, how is it mi married and yet mi don’t want fi si her get married too.”

Furthermore, she said the area in which the man came from is populated with wicked people. She said even if the man seemed to be “nice”, the fact that he came from Clarendon “throw mi off”

Investigations revealed that at about 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, residents living in Santoy raised an alarm after they smelled a foul odor coming from the house, which was rented by the suspect over two weeks ago.

The police were summoned and upon arrival, they forced their way inside the house where they discovered the decomposing body of Smith-Greyson.

A mother of three, 35-year-old Smith-Greyson, who is also known as ‘Red Boot’, was employed to the Royalton Resort in Negril, Westmoreland.

Her family said that she was instrumental in getting her husband a job as a security guard, after he migrated from May Pen to live in western Jamaica nine months ago.


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