Editorial Staff
21/02/23 20:48

Editorial Staff
21/02/23 20:48

The governor general outlines the government’s plan for the healthcare sector.

A robust campaign, to encourage organ donation among the Antiguan and Barbuda population, will be launched by the government at some point.

The legislation will also be introduced to provide special protection for donors from discrimination against insurance companies, banks, and other financial institutions.

Governor General Sir Rodney Williams revealed those plans on Monday as he outlined the government’s plan to tackle the growing rate of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in the country.

Sir Rodney noted that while Antigua and Barbuda have recorded much success in the area of a kidney transplants, there is a major challenge with donors.

“While Kidney transplants are a better option there is a shortage of donors which makes it necessary to rely on dialysis,” he said.

As it relates to the plan to tackle NCD the GG said a large percentage of the health sector’s budget will be spent on addressing the problem of lifestyle diseases.

He explained that it is unfortunate that a growing number of adult and juvenile citizens suffer from lifestyle diseases, such as Hypertension, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular conditions that can lead to organ failure.

“These illnesses can be prevented or cured through healthy diets, exercise, and regular checkups by healthcare providers”.

He said a significant part of the health budget will be allocated towards reducing the harmful effects of NCDs that afflict men, women, and children.

“We believe that the health of our nation is equally, if not more, valuable than education and will remain a top priority for my government,” the Governor General said.


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