Editorial Staff
11/03/23 22:25

Editorial Staff
11/03/23 22:25

Parent charged over attack on school’s principal

The father who allegedly attacked Christopher Roberts; the principal of the Mary E Piggott Primary School has been arrested and charged.

Michael Samuel of Bathlodge was picked up by police on Friday and charged with Battery and Malicious Damage.

He is expected to appear in court next tomorrow Monday.

His arrest comes on the heels of reports from the Director of Education Clare Browne that the parent would be taken before the court and prosecuted.

Apparently, the man was angry after his son was disciplined by the principal. He says the child was being beaten in an abusive manner. The child was also suspended.

The single-parent father told the media that prior to Wednesday’s incident, he tried relentlessly to address several matters involving his son, a grade 5 student of the school.

He said in January his son was severely beaten by the principal while placed on his knees.

He said his son was injured by the beating to the point that he had to seek medical attention.

Principal Roberts says he was attacked by the student’s father unexpectedly. He suffered injuries to his arm and was treated at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center and released. He was placed on medical leave.

Our newsroom is also in possession of photos showing a bleeding wound on the leg of the father, who also was treated at the hospital after the fight last week

The parent said the wound to his leg was as a result of a vicious bite he allegedly received from principal Roberts. 


  1. Anonymous

    He lucky he just got a bite mark on his leg. Totally out of order

    Justice for Mr. Roberts!!!!

  2. Benjamin

    A very foolish father and a vampire principal. To the father, do you expect any teacher would feel safe teaching your son after your ignorant attack on the Principal yet. I wouldn’t teach him ABC if I were any teacher in Antigua. If I were your son, I would get on my knees and ask for forgiveness from every learning institution on the Island.

    Mr. Principal, if you are married and trust your wife implicitly, bite her gently where she will get pleasure and make you special breakfast every time you perform this romantic task,

    Biting a man, well, you had better have your Doctor run some tests. In other words, learn self defense and fight like a man…no teeth. 🦷

    • Anonymous

      That’s the best analysis that you could come up with ‘vampire’ principal? We all become experts on how people should have responded and oh if it was me blah blah blah. The man was unexpected attacked and wrestled to the ground. If that coward of a father had faced him head on… I am sure it would have been different and people woukd say excessive force. So he used his first line of ‘available’ defence. BITING. He the father should be ashamed to be showing pictures after the traumatizing impact he left on everyone at Mary E. Pigotts school. Why he doesn’t show the pictures of the child who his son physically assaulted at the sporting event? May justice prevail for all in this matter.

      • Anonymous

        Most people read to understand, you read to bark back, no problem. Some people likes confrontation, some laughs at idiots. Hahahahaha!

  3. Jezeble

    So nobody’s going to address the abuse the child suffered at the hands of said principal? I wonder what some of you would have done as a parent in that situation? But then again, this is a society that approves of physical abuse being meted out to children in the guise of discipline!!! SHAME on Principal Roberts! SHAME ON YOU ALL that supports his brand of tyranny and ABUSE!!!

    • Anonymous

      SHAME ON YOU!!!!! Do you have any clue whatsoever of the behavior of this child. He has been a constant trouble maker….bullying and physically assaulting other children. But I guess he should be just left alone. Give me a break. That’s why our society is not getting any better with y’all americanized suggestions of discipline. I don’t support physical abuse but I certainly support corporal punishment in moderation and as a last resort.
      Thank God for the few good men like Mr Roberts that we have remaining in this profession. Can’t blame the others for exiting.

  4. Kenn Joe

    When you want to remain anonymous you should not comment. You want to hide who you are and then behave like are a saint, YOU FULL OF SHIT…..you seem to know this child so well, I hope you dont have children of your own.

    • Anonymous

      Kenn Joe…..Kudos to you for being bold enough to state your name unlike coward me ANONYMOUS. You need a standing ovation?? 👏 👏 That’s why we never get anywhere when we discuss issues in our society. We always resort to bashing, verbal and physical abuse, getting personal and PETTINESS. That’s where meaningful interactions end. Oh what a SHAME!!!. I hope you and the father and the child that I seemingly know get ALL the help that you so desperately need.


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