Editorial Staff
11/04/23 09:01

Editorial Staff
11/04/23 09:01

268 LET’S TALK: Spanish neighbor bewitched my teenage daughter

Dear 268 Let’s Talk


I have a problem and I’m hoping that I can get some advice before I end up at His Majesty’s. I have a Spanish neighbor and my 18-year-old daughter will not understand when I tell her this man is no good.

We have been living in a certain area for about 5 years and he suddenly moves in and takes over the area with his smoking, loud music, and reckless behavior. My daughter seems to be out of the blue- having an interest in this “Spanny-man”.

She sits on the gallery with her eyes roaming in his area hoping she would see him fly by in his car. He is constantly dropping her off from college.

I have a problem because these men are no good. They want nothing good for young girls. My daughter was raised well but I have no clue what she sees in this man.

In the eyes of the law, she is an adult but I won’t allow her to remain in my home being in a lovey-dovey relationship with this predator. The man must be 40 years based on how he looks.

I have tried to tell her that having a handsome face isn’t everything. A man’s background and his plans are important too.

Honestly, I wish that Spanny-man never came to live in our community. He has taken charge of my daughter’s pure mind and because of him, our relationship is just not the same.

Screaming for help

Crying, Mom



Dear Crying Mom

There is a long and short answer to your cry; let’s explore the short and more rational approach to this concern.

You must first come to terms with the maturity of your daughter; she is 18 years old and an adult. Adults get to make their own decisions about even what is detrimental to their well-being.

Mothers especially struggle with the intuitiveness that affords them a peek into the future of their children, since this can indeed usher in a state of helpless for the parent.

Being a friend to your daughter at a time like this will certainly give strong support to being a parent. There is a friend that sticks closer than a mother and the secrets hidden from a parent are most times known to a friend.

Two adult friends reasoning out a matter will most times bring about a desired result


268 Lets Talk



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  1. Elizabeth -T

    Tell her you understand her infatuation with the charismatic neighbour , but also advise her based on your experience or the experiences of others that falling in love is not enough to maintain a relationship that can last. It is the first stage of five . After falling in love the next stage is disappointment and misery (your idol has feet of clay) then you may break up and hopefully there is no baby caught in the middle by then. A real relationship has to be based on the sound foundation of common interest and real trust and loyalty. This man may or may not have these qualities only time will tell. #five stages of relationships.

    • Mystic

      Lighten our DARKNESS
      We Beseech thee OH GOD!!
      Brainwashed Generation in Motion.
      Light Skin is Pretty
      Big Nose is.Ugly…
      Straight Hai Elvis Presley Beauty.
      Now de Table TURN
      Don’t Be Disgruntled u will Burn
      Prejudice &;Bigotry
      Look SOSA Look A ROD..
      Dem White BREd
      With a WALL in HISPANIOLA.
      Light Dkin & Cooly Hair no AFRO
      Viva z Chavez Viva Fidel Viva Mandella
      Half & Half Baby Frenxy.
      Mommy warn she warn she
      She wanna be ah BAzrzbIE.
      GENERATION Conundrum..
      Maria Mantha & Precious 💃 💃 💃
      Get way in de BAND
      Cutie..Call 911
      Warn u from Low Rider
      & ASA Banton..Toys R US

  2. Craig Wyre

    These Spanish neighbors does it all the time, they usually gets them pregnant and Tash them on the side on a regular. Spanish in a whole don’t have good intentions where the rest of the world is concerned. They speak so ill of Othe people here with wickedness. I can count 20 young laddies off hand been in such a catastrophe. Some times this relationship thing is done to cement the residency. With to many fatherless babies attended to don’t worry the foolish local brother like myself will achieve daddy status with a want to be white looking baby. In some instances there a some mother who are low lifeded , with no or poor decision making skill who try benefiting from such, I commend you for realizing the danger in it. The reality is choosing the white doll with the nice hair over the black melonated one. Is we the parents allow our superior presence to be that way. Let her know a orange tree can only produce orange not mango🥭. Tell her don’t break the cycle the reprecussion is deadly.

    • Proud non-antiguan

      Spanish, antiguan, dominican, jamaican…..
      nationality has nothing to do with how responsible one is, or you mean to say that only spanish guys have kids and then not take cqre of them??? Please!
      Also…..at no point in this letter, the mother says anything about this spanish guy or her daughters complexion or skin colour but yet you are quick to assume….just remember what that word stands for….ass u me

  3. Mae

    She needs to focus on her education, then she can think about having a relationship after. Having a good education in the twenty-first century is very important. If he really love her, he would let her focus on her education. I hope she is getting good grades and understand the concept of what she is being taught at College. It is not easy being a single mother which I guess the mother is. The daughter should let her mother be her example and try not to make the same mistake (only if the mother is a single mother). I pray that the young man doesn’t get the young lady mixed up in any drug crimes. The skin colour of anyone is not the problem. It is what is in the heart that counts. Bad, wicked, good, and ugly come in all skin colour. We are all God’s creation.


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