Editorial Staff
06/08/23 12:56

Editorial Staff
06/08/23 12:56

InterCaribbean CEO promises to fix disruptions and delays

Passengers flying with interCaribbean Airways have been facing significant disruptions lately, including cancellations, delays, and being stranded at airports.

The founder and chairman of the airline, Lyndon Gardiner, has taken personal action to address the issue.

Travelers all across the Caribbean, including in Dominica, have expressed frustration and outrage at the delays and inconvenience caused by interCaribbean Airways flights to and from their destinations.

In an interview with Barbados TODAY, Gardiner expressed regret for the inconvenience caused and asked for patience as the company works to rectify the problem.

He announced the deployment of an additional aircraft to bring flights back on schedule and assured customers that measures are being taken to improve operations.

The airline has been facing staffing issues, which have resulted in delays and cancellations, but Gardiner has traveled to Barbados to address the issue and meet with the ground handler responsible for staffing at the Grantley Adams International Airport.

He outlined several steps that have already been taken to mitigate the disruptions and improve operations, including bringing in additional flight crew and implementing changes to handle delays more effectively.

Gardiner extended an apology and assured customers that all measures would be in place by mid-August.

He encouraged customers to have faith in interCaribbean Airways to resolve the issues and ensure smoother travel in the future.

The airline is also working on overhauling its communication system and plans to implement a real-time information system to keep passengers informed about their flights, as part of its effort to improve customer experience.

By taking these steps, interCaribbean Airways aims to regain the trust of its passengers and restore its reputation as a reliable and efficient airline.

1 Comment

  1. Traveller

    Waste of Time.


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