Editorial Staff
08/08/23 10:41

Editorial Staff
08/08/23 10:41

Jamaica: School girl dies after being raped and beaten

(LOOP News)

Police are searching for three men who allegedly raped and bludgeoned a 15-year-old, schoolgirl at her home in Trelawny, a parish in northwest Jamaica early Sunday.

Police said that Jamilla Cole, a student of Albert Town High School, died from her injuries on Monday.

Her mother, Shanice Anderson, and her 17-year-old cousin Kayla Dawson, who were also brutally battered, remain hospitalised.

The authorities said that all three were asleep at their home when the men entered the house through a kitchen window. They reportedly used blunt instruments to beat the three females in their heads.

The injured females were transported to the Percy Junior Hospital in Spaulding, Manchester, from where Cole was subsequently transferred to the Kingston Public Hospital where she eventually succumbed to her injuries on Monday while undergoing treatment.


  1. Janet

    This is nothing new in Jamaica. Evil is what most Jamaicans live and breathe each day. I pray with all the Jamaicans now living in Antigua, that their evil culture doesn’t spill over into our country.

    • Anonymous


  2. Bridget Luke

    Jamaica needs a revival right now, it has become a haeven for badness and the govermenr of jamaica have ti bring,back hanging or the electric chair


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