Editorial Staff
20/08/23 21:40

Editorial Staff
20/08/23 21:40

Daughter of a Labour Party “Die Hard” Wants ABLP to Help Bury Her Mother

Yajaira Reyes and her mother of Cruz Francis

A Hispanic woman who says that her mother was a “die-hard” Laborite wants the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party to assist her with the funeral but believes that her wishes may not be fulfilled

Yajaira Reyes, the mother of Cruz Francis, who died recently, said she has been seeking help from her MP Molwyn Joseph to bury her mother, but “I never got anything from him”

Her mother, who lived in Martin’s Village, is expected to be buried at the end of this month

Reyes said her mom has been living in Antigua and Barbuda for over 35 years, and “I believe no Spanish woman in Antigua loves the Antigua Labour Party more than my mother”

Reyes struggled to hold back the tears as she claimed that no one came even to query how she was managing funeral arrangements

“When mommy was alive, she loved ABLP. She was crazy about the party. Before elections and during elections, we cooked for the Spanish community. I am sad because I feel like nobody cares. Since my mom died, I haven’t heard from anyone. I want something nice for Mommy for her funeral…”, she said

Reyes said she took the cheapest burial package but really wanted a grand funeral since her mom was a “die-hard” Labourite.

“She deserves a proper funeral,” Reyes added


  1. Gordon A R Edwards

    And somehow you think this is going to get you the help you desire, by going public on the ABLP and Constituency Representative? I wish you well.

    • Anonymous

      These people r my neighbors and this is not what they told d news room .Mr malwyn Joseph is one hundred percent behind them the writer of this story is just trying to defame labou party .the man talk to d daughter of them deceased over a month ago ,but elections coming up so they trying a thing on the antigua labour party

  2. Chubby

    Best U ask anybody else cuz ABLP NAR HELP

  3. Colombo

    Lawd help us!!! How could this news worthy? Then everyone that’s are diehard supporters of any political party should expect help to bury their relatives.,

    • Anonymous


  4. Observer

    If labour party is to bury all its supporters then it would need a funeral home.

    • Anonymous

      Exactly. This is unbelievable. Can’t believe this is even a news item.

      • Anonymous

        I never ask no one to bury my mom never.

  5. Human

    Hmmmm it a pity she’s not Dominica.
    The DLP takes pride in helping families in funeral expenses.

  6. Arlene Brade

    Really, I would never had ask the party to help bury my mother when she passed, there’s not anyone who was more a supporter than her that her nickname was “baby bird”.


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