Editorial Staff
04/09/23 11:52

Editorial Staff
04/09/23 11:52

Accident Claims the Life of a Police Constable

Constable Robert Dyer

The police force is mourning the loss of Constable Robert Dyer, who passed away this morning following a traffic accident.

Emergency responders are still at the scene of the crash, which occurred on Sir Sydney Walling Highway and claimed the life of the constable.

Dyer was riding his motorcycle in a westerly direction when a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction collided with him, resulting in his death at the scene.

It is worth noting that Dyer was the same police officer who sustained a broken leg in a previous accident on June 9 2020.

Reports at the time suggested that he collided with a container truck on Factory Road near the Sagicor Life Building while trying to overtake it.

After falling from his bike, he was disoriented and unable to stand, according to eyewitnesses.


  1. Tracy Browne

    That should not be a part of your news that video. Where is the respect for the dead and their family?

  2. Joyanne

    Awdfyt the person who posted this 4cup nj but the person qho recorded it just something else as well😐😐😐😐😐

    • Anonymous

      My sentiments exactly


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